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Heart racing, I press down on the gas pedal as I exit the motorway. Weaving through slow traffic, panic mounts at the tight timeline. I cringe when my phone rings, flashing Liam's name on the display. Ignoring it, I let it go to voicemail, focusing on my breathing, mentally preparing for the upcoming confrontation with Alexei.

Within moments of letting the call go to voicemail, Liam's name reappears. Again, I ignore it. The calls persist, until finally, after the fifth attempt, I begrudgingly answer, knowing that my situation could worsen if I let Liam keep trying while I'm with Alexei.

"What?" I mutter, unable to hide my frustration.

"You left," my stomach flips when I hear his voice, but there's something different in his tone, it seems off in some way.

"I was called away for work."

"Bullshit," he growls. "Look, I'm sorry for my behavior, but..."

Rolling my eyes, uninterested in his level of self-importance, I interrupt, "This has nothing to do with you, Liam."

"And I'm supposed to believe that."

"Actually, I don't give a damn what you believe," my words drip with venom. How can a male be so arrogant? I thought Alexei was bad. "I don't have to justify my actions to you."

"Okay," he pauses, his breathing audible through the phone. "So you left for other reasons." Liam speaks the last part slowly, as if trying to convince himself of what he is saying.

"Yes, Liam. I have a life in what adults call the real world, and unfortunately for me, duty called."

"You could've said something," he growls, then softens his tone. "You could've waited."

I exhale, my patience thinning. "Honestly, I was lucky to see Ava on my way out, and the last time we spoke, it didn't go well."

"Yes, and I'm sorry for that. You know I'm struggling to control the beast..."

"Liam, stop. It's not about that. You and I...we're like fire and gasoline."

"I said I'm fecking sorry. God, I knew you'd be trouble the first time I saw you, but now you're being unreasonable." His sudden outburst takes me aback. I don't understand where his anger is coming from.

"Enough, Liam! Seriously, get it through your thick skull! This has NOTHING to do with you!" My anger flares as my temper ignites.

I hear him growl on the other end before responding, "When are you coming back?"

Knowing Alexei and anticipating his reaction, I swallow hard. "I don't think I can."

"She needs you," his tone holds a hint of desperation.

My stomach drops and I have to blink several times to keep my emotions in check. Arriving out the front of Alexei's building, I turn my car into the private parking garage, and sigh, "How is she?"

"She's asleep now." I swallow at the compassion I feel in his words. I know Liam cares for her. This whole situation is shit.

"Liam, I need you to promise me that you'll take care of her, that you'll prioritize her best interests."

"Yes," he replies, a little to quickly for my liking

"Her best interests, Liam. Not yours or the pack's."

"Yes," he reaffirms.

"Promise me, Liam. Promise me you won't force your own agenda on her," I insist, still not satified with his word and well aware of the choices Ava will have to make.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now