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"Who's winning?" Bass purrs, his voice vibrating directly into my ear as he moves to take the seat beside me. I turn to observe his freshly showered appearance and smirk when I notice an equally refreshed Damir standing off to the side. His dark eyes are focused on the board, his body relaxed as he assesses the game.

"I can never tell with this game," I remark, impressed by Isla's sustained focus. Nearly an hour has passed in their near-silent match. The room is filled only with the sound of my admiration as I watch a delightful puppy montage on Facebook. Gotta love those fluffy little monster.

Bass leans forward, and I catch the scent of wood and bergamot as his dark eyes narrow while he observes the board. "Well, judging by the pieces remaining, I would say Alexei is about to go in for the kill."

Glancing at the chess set, I grimace seeing exactly what Bass has observed. Isla's white pieces are nearly depleted, leaving her with only a rook, two pawns, a queen, and her king. Leaning forward for a better view, I can't help but slap my leg in frustration when Isla moves her rook, putting her queen in jeopardy.

Noticing his opportunity, Alexei grins, his blue eyes filled with satisfaction. The room becomes eerily quiet as we await Alexei's next move, the tension palpable. Alexei reaches out with a gloved hand, moving his bishop to capture Isla's queen. "It appears you've made a mistake, Маленький волк," he remarks triumphantly, leaving Isla vulnerable without her most powerful piece.

To her credit, Isla doesn't react outwardly; her face remains blank except for her pursed lips. She sits back, closing her eyes slowly, her chest rising slightly with each breath.

"You're such a bully, Alexei," Bass chides, his focus now also on Isla, a wicked smile forming on his lips. Turning back to Bass, I frown when I notice a noticeable bulge in his trousers.

"Seriously, Bass!" I scold, exasperated.

Following the direction of where my gaze is, Bass shrugs, bites his bottom lip, heat flaring in his eyes, then returns his attention to Isla. "What can I say? I enjoy seeing women at a man's mercy."

Damir, maintaining his silence, adjusts his posture, displaying a hint of surprise on his face. Before I can ask about his reaction, Isla's eyes snap open. With an almost unfocused gaze, her small hand extends to her rook, guiding it several squares until it halts two squares beneath Alexei's king.

Looking up at Alexei, her gaze clearing, Isla smiles. Her dimples on full display, she tilts her head and sits back.

"Fottimi!" Bass exclaims, pushing himself up off the sofa and moving around to stand behind Alexei.

"Well done," Damir adds, his lips quirking into an almost smile.

I'm confused but I also rise, moving to stand behind Isla. Staring at the board, I'm still clueless about what's happened until I glance at Alexei. Shock and something else blazing in his blue irises.

Turning back to the board, I finally see it. Isla has managed to trap Alexei's king between her two pawns and her rook, resulting in a checkmate.

Alexei shakes his head several times, a smile replacing his look of shock. His white teeth flash as he stands, with Isla following suit. "How?" he asks, his words concise, but there is a trace of curiosity in them.

Isla reaches down to retrieve her backpack, situated beside her chair, and nibbles on her bottom lip. "You have a weakness. I exploited it."

Her words catch me off guard, and I nearly choke on my saliva. Though her tone remains composed, there's a sharp edge to it. "And what might that weakness be, Маленький волк?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now