Chapter 10

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Azalea Garcia

After running home from Jax's house a wave of sadness flew over me. I lay on my bed thinking about what Jax had said.

Maybe I was being dramatic I mean my mom did die 5 years ago I should be over it. Shouldn't I?

Tears began streaming down my face and as much as I tried to stop them they just continued falling like a waterfall. I would be going back to my hometown tomorrow to my moms grave.

Even though that town is where my father is and where all my bad memories lay good memories also live there.

Like when my mom and dad would take me ice skating every Saturday no matter how bored they got of going round in continuous circles on ice they never complained they just wanted to see me happy.

I put my phone on my charger and looked out of my window. The bright moon shimmered through the dark night.

Stars sprinkled all over the sky. My phone buzzed causing me to jump from my trance. I checked my phone and saw Jax's name come up.

I contemplated not opening it but curiosity took over me. I was expecting a nasty message, something that I had become immune to.

But to my surprise, nothing like that was in the message instead there typed was a sorry.

Shocked would be an understatement. From what Amelia had told me Jax never apologises to anyone.

Even though what he said hurt, knowing that he apologised to me which wasn't something he really did put me at an ease.

But I knew not to get my hopes up because every time I did I was let down. I placed my phone back on the night table and looked up at my blank ceiling.

That night I didn't have any nightmares I just had memories of me and my mom circling around in my mind.

The next morning

I woke up earlier than usual because of the long drive i was about to endure.

Whenever we go and see my mom we usually stay overnight in a hotel because of how far it is so i began packing my bag.

i put all my necessities in it and then i got ready myself.(outfit above) I decided to wear an oversized grey sweater with some blue ripped jeans and my air forces.

I made sure to put on the necklace my mum gave me and I was ready. I walked down my stairs and saw my brother there holding a glass full of iced coffee.

I thanked him and quickly drank it before getting in the car.

I decided to text Amelia that I wouldn't be in school today because I was going out of town. Thankfully she didn't ask any other questions and seems as it was a Friday, I wasn't missing many days of school.

The drive was estimated to take 5 hours so I opened my laptop and watched riverdale. After 3 episodes my eyes began to shut and I allowed myself to drift off into a short nap.

2 hours later I was woken up by my brother. I had saliva dribbling down my chin and my hair was like a birds nest but thankfully there was only 20 more minutes left of the drive.

After a long 20 minutes we arrived at the hotel we were staying. It was very big and looked really beautiful. It was white with pillars at the entrance, every window I saw came out to a balcony.

I made my way inside the hotel and I was gob smacked. The floors were marble and there was a lounge and a bar in the lobby.

A piano was heard playing in the background and waiters were walking round bringing drinks around. If I was here any other time I would be ecstatic that I was staying here.

We followed the woman up to our room and then we went inside. There were two double beds, a large tv, a sofa and table and chairs.

There was also a door leading to the bathroom. I flopped on the bed and let my eyes close.

Not long after I was shook awake by my brother and I knew it was time for us to go and see my mom.

I trudged my way to the car and got in holding tightly onto the flowers I had bought.

When we arrived I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

I walked towards her grave and saw the flowers that we had put there last time we were here were brown and dead.

The gravestone also has moss on it so I was glad I had brought things to clean it.

I began cleaning it with the help of my brother before taking the old flowers and throwing them away and replacing them with the new ones.

I sat with a sigh on the slightly damp grass and just stared at her grave.

Every time we came here I would say the same thing. I would blame myself for my moms death and my brother would comfort me and say it wasn't my fault but no matter what I know that if I didn't ask her to go out that night she wouldn't be laying in this grave.

"Happy birthday mum, it's been 5 years since you have been gone and I miss you everyday. I hope you are looking down at us and are proud of me and azzy. I love you so much" my brother said with tears eyes.

His shoulders slouched and began to shake which indicated he was crying.

I shuffled over to him and gave him a hug. Tears were streaming down both of our faces as we sat and looked at my beloved mother's grave.

"H-hi mom, h-happy birthday. I-I'm sorry y-you can't b-be here for y-your birthday and I-it was all m-my fault. I f-feel guilty everyday a-and maybe o-one day you w-will forgive m-me. I l-love you S-so much mommy" I said before bursting into another load of tears.

We sat there for another hour speaking to my mom about our lives before we decided to leave. The car ride to the hotel was deadly silent and both of our eyes were puffy and red from crying.

We arrived at the hotel but before I could get out my brother grabbed my arm.

"Azzy you need to stop blaming yourself about what happened to mom. You didn't know that there was gonna be a drunk driver you were just a kid. If you keep blaming yourself you will never get past it and forgive yourself" My brother said softly.

I nodded my head before launching myself into his arms. I know he was just saying this to make me feel better because it was my fault.

I cry into his shoulder for what felt like hours before I began to drift off to sleep. However one thought stayed lingering in my mind.

Maybe I should of been the one who died?

🍿Chapter 10. I hope you liked this chapter even though it was a bit depressing 😂thanks for reading 😁😁

Word count:1197

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