Chapter 13

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Azalea Garcia

"Y-you can s-stay if you w-want" I was completely shocked by the words that had exited my mouth.

Oh god It's going to be more embarrassing when he declines my offer. I look up from my fiddling fingers to Jax's face full of shock.

Ughhh why Azalea couldn't you just let him go home, stop being so nice. I was waiting to be embarrassed even more but was surprised when he accepted my stupid offer.

"Eerm sure as long as thats ok with you?"

I muttered a quiet 'its fine' and then made my way to the laundry room to get Jax some of my brothers clothes.

I walked into my room to see Jax sat on my bed mid way pulling his shirt over his head.

OMG he has a six pack.

How do you even get a six pack, I tried to contour my stomach once but it didn't look like that I could just imagine when he comes out of a pool with water running down his che-

A clearing of a throat brought me out of my daze. Only then did I realise I was blatantly staring at his abs.

Blood instantly rushed to my cheeks and his face had a smirk plastered on it which made me want to smack it right off. "You like the view huh princess?" he said amused.

"S-shut-up" I huffed and made my way into the bathroom to get changed. I put on my usual tank top and booty shorts and made my way to my bed.

Whilst I was taking off some cushions off the bed I saw Jax staring at me. well more like my body.

"L-look who's t-the on-one staring n-now" I said smugly. I had no clue where all this newfound confidence had come from but I was satisfied when I saw Jax's head whip away from my body and a tinge of pink growing on his cheeks.

After that funny moment between us both I looked over and saw jax settling his large body on the floor.

I lay down on my bed and tried to drift off. After 10 minutes I was still awake and me being my kind self felt bad that I was making him sleep on the floor.

I groaned and leant over the side of the bed to see the large boy in my room. "J-Jax are yo-you awake?" I said whilst lightly shaking his shoulder.

He rolled off his side to face me. "Yes why what's wrong?" he asked whilst rubbing his back which made me feel even more guilty.

"Eerm y-you can sleep I-in my b-bed if you w-want, I m-mean you don't h-have to but I-I just t-thought you w-would prefer it i-instead of th-the floor, and my b-beds a d-double so there w-would be e-enough room f-for the both o-of us"

He chuckled at my ranting yet nodded, and then stood up to get into my bed.

I went to check my door was locked so my brother wouldn't barge in in the morning and then made my way to the left side of the bed.

I picked up some of my pillows off the floor and made a wall between me and Jax. I heard him chuckle but I was too tired to retort back.

I soon drifted off to a night that for once wasn't full of nightmares.

The next morning

I was woken up the next morning with a full bladder which instantly needed relieving.

I rubbed my half awake eyes and tried to get up but was stopped by a heavy weight around my waist. I tried to get up again but was pulled into a hard chest.

I looked up and saw Jax sleeping peacefully with his arm wrapped around my waist and for some reason I liked the position we were in.

I tried to move again but he just groaned again and held me tighter. I huffed again before an idea came into my head.

I stuck my pinky in my mouth, wetting it and then stuck it into Jax's ear. His eyes soon open and he swatted my finger from his ear.

"w-wet willy!" I shouted whilst giggling. He groaned but still didn't take his arm off my waist. "can i-i go t-to the bathroom" I asked him.

He looked at me confused but then looked at his arm around my waist and soon removed it, leaving me oddly cold.

I jumped from my bed and got some clothes whilst on my way to the bathroom. I did my business, got in the shower and got dressed.

(outfit above) I picked out a green floral mini dress and my adidas superstars. I added a white handbag and I was ready.

I made my way out of the bathroom and saw Jax dressed in his clothes from yesterday and I noticed he had made the bed which made me smile.

I picked up my phone from the table and saw a message from my brother saying he was called into work.

I felt bad that he had to work on a Sunday but was also glad because otherwise he would of probably found out about Jax sleeping around here.

I told Jax that there was a spare toothbrush on the sink for him and then made my way downstairs to make us some breakfast.

I got out the eggs and some bacon and started cooking. Just as I had plated Jax's up he came down the stairs looking at his phone looking tense.

He muttered a small thanks and started eating still typing away on his phone.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously. He looked pissed and I could tell he wanted to lash out but his eyes soon turned soft whilst looking at me which made me feel happy that he wasn't taking his anger out on me.

"Ye just got something i've got to deal with" he sighed. I nodded and continued eating my food.

We both finished not long after and I started to clear up. Jax's phone rang and he picked it up and answered.

He walked down to the hall for more privacy but i could still hear his attempted whisper shouts.

He came back a couple minutes later with a clenched jaw and I knew he was angry again over something.

"I'm sorry i've got to go and do something thanks for letting me stay over and for making me breakfast" he said genuinely giving me a small smile.

"It's o-ok, you're w-welcome here an-anytime" I said truthfully. He gave me one last smile before making his way over to the front door.

A couple of minutes later I heard his car race past and I slumped on one of the kitchen stools.

Hmmm what has gotten him so angry?

🍿chapter 13.  I'm sorry this is a pretty boring chapter but it will get better soon I promise. Thanks for reading 😁😁

Word count:1173

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