Chapter 18

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Azalea Garcia

I stare wide-eyed at Jax trying to understand the words that just escaped his mouth. He wants to go swimming?

With me?

In the lake?

Oh no what if there's fish or crocodiles or those long worm things what are they called- oh yeah eels!? Yeah no thank you!

A clearing of a throat, jolts me from my shaken state and I give him a sheepish smile whilst he just looks nervous.

"Is that a yes?" He asks gawkily. I think hard about my answer. If I say no guilt would instantly consume me but if I say yes...

He will see my body. My scars. My burns. I haven't shown them to anyone.

"I d-don't know. I'm n-not sure I a-am comfortable taking o-off my cl-clothes" I said timidly.

"You can wear my shirt if you want" he responds. "I mean I'm not pressuring you or anything. You don't have to if you don't want to" he rushes out.

I chuckle at his adorable distressed face before nodding slightly. He hands me his black t-shirt before removing his jeans.

I squeal realising he hadn't even giving me a warning he was taking off his pants.

His low chuckles Allow a blush to coat my cheeks. He then walks towards the small boardwalk next to the lake before diving in causing a large splash to siren.

He surfaces back up a few seconds later with a grin on his face staring directly at me. "Come on then what are you waiting for?" he questions mischievously.

"T-turn around then S-so I can get ch-changed" he rolls his eyes playfully but still continues to then turn around.

Whilst putting it on he kept trying to turn around but I put him in his place straight away.

His shirt was like a dress on me reaching my mid-thigh. And strangely I felt a lot more relaxed with it on, his scent lingering in the air around me.

I walked over to the boardwalk, dipping my feet in the crisp water. My toes curl from the coldness and I begin regretting saying yes.

How is he not shivering?

I sit down on the edge of the wooden slacks trying to build up the courage to get into the freezing water.

Without any warning. Large hands grab my waist and pull me into the water "holy m-moly that's cold!" I exclaim whilst Jax just laughs.

I gaze at Jax's face with a smile on my lips. He looks so carefree when he smiles or laughs. His laughs can make anyone smile.

His laughs die down and he just stares at me, his hands still on my waist. My skin burns from his touch. Warmth spreads through my body.

"I r-really hope th-there isn't any f-fish or cro-crocodiles or eels in h-here oh g-god what If one bites m-my leg off" I say in horror.

Jax smiles at me making me glare. "Don't worry I doubt there is any crocodiles or eels in here probably just a few fish" he says.

I exhale. I think I can deal with fish better than eels or crocodiles as long as they don't nip at my toes.

A great idea comes to mind as Jax swims off deeper into the lake. I wait until he isn't looking and dunk under the water.

This is what he gets for pulling me in.

Luckily, I know how to hold my breath for quite a long time seems as my dad tried multiple times to drown me in the bath and eventually I just learnt to hold me breath for long periods of time.

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