Chapter 43

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Jax Anders

3 months later.

It's been three months.

Three months of me waiting for the impossible.

I can't eat. I can't sleep. All I'm ever thinking about is her.

I was too late. I should of known something was off with her at the diner.

But I was too fucking oblivious.

What type of boyfriend am I? I promised to protect her and I haven't done that at all.

"I don't know what to do anymore" I sigh putting my head in my hands as her brother puts a cup of coffee on the table beside me.

He pats my shoulder and sits on the chair beside me looking just as shit as I did.

Countless nights I've sat in her room cursing to myself of how I didn't do anything. We were all too late to save her from her piece of shit father.

If the police hadn't got him before I could of, i wouldn't of left until he was dead.

What type of person does that shit? Treats their own blood like that. He made my dad look like a fucking saint.


I miss her.

I miss her laugh and her beautiful brown eyes as they would look up at me.

I miss her stupid rants that she would have with me over pointless things.

I miss her kindness and her outlook on life. She is too pure for this cruel fucking world.

I just missed her beside me.

She was my other half, someone I never thought I'd have in my life.

But now she's lay there.

In a hospital bed with tubes attached to her.

She looked lifeless. Her usually olive skin was pale. Her eyes were closed and her face was pulled into a frown.

Why wouldn't she wake up?

Why can't this nightmare be over for her.

She's been in a coma for 3 whole months.

I've come everyday to sit here beside her, I've tried to speak to her and do anything to possibly wake her up.

But nothing.

It's almost the end of July.

Amelia is almost 8 months pregnant.

School has finished too.

My last year of high school has finished, and my girlfriends in a coma.

This is like a fucking nightmare.

We got our exam results back too.

Amelia, Archer and Ryder passed as they said they wanted to make Azalea proud. She wouldn't want them sat being upset about her.

As for me.

I didn't even take my exams.

I think the school felt pity on me, so they used my past exam results from the school year and passed me.

I only passed because of Azaleas tutoring.

Fuck everything leads back to her.

The doctor walks into the room holding a clipboard. I look at him as he sighs deeply looking at his paper.

"So far her breathing is stable and her heart rate is fine. However she is still unresponsive and there has been no sign of movement" he says carefully.

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