Chapter 34

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No one's POV:

As the Aiden was calming down jai he was slowly growing aware that they were being watched but he didn't care he only cared about whether his little peanut was going to forgive him. He couldn't bare the thought of his peanut being angry with him, let alone wouldn't let herself open up to him because of his reckless mistake. He felt like he had failed Jailyn but what he didn't know is that the little vulnerable girl that was in his arms was blaming herself for not being normal. She yelled at herself for being so weak and stupid... for being a coward. She was beyond embarrassed that she was this weak again, in front of none other than Aiden her crush, her savior, her only true friend.

The crowd surrounding them couldn't help but gawk at the "couple" with curious eyes wondering "what the hell is her problem". They all watched as the boy would calmly speak to the girl as the girl would cry and shake her head as she did a weird motion with her hands. Slowly the crowd dispersed since they felt like they were invading the couple's space but they all made sure to keep their distance not wanting to end up like the guy on the floor. But some nosey teenagers posted on twitter of wishing to have a protective boyfriend like the guy holding the crying girl. Little did she know someone had seen it and it made their blood boil with rage and jealousy. The jealous bully swore she was going to take Aiden away from Jailyn and make her suffer to cast her aside and make everyone hate her, she was going to ultimately drive Park Jailyn to her death.


Aiden's POV:

I gently wiped her tears away as she sniffled and calmed down, I felt a burning ball of guilt inflate my lungs every time I breathed and felt my stomach churn when the image of my princess was sobbing as she squatted down and covered her ears. More when she was apologizing over and over again as her Bambi like eyes were filled with tears, god I hate seeing peanut like this especially if it was my fault.. so I told her it would be the best for us to go back home considering it was dark outside. She only nodded and sniffled as she was started calming down.

I picked up our things and offered peanut a helping hand, she blushed and grabbed my hand gently which made my heart jump in joy but I wasn't going to admit that ' Okay okay you caught me ! Leave me be with my princess! *realization hit**looks at reader* Shut up! >~< ' After I helped her stand I led us toward the exit making sure to glare at anyone and everyone who was glaring at jai. I noticed how she would walk close to my side but she kept looking around at the people and stores, I felt bad that we had to leave but it was getting late but I want the night to end on a good note. An idea popped in my head 'and maybe that's where I can get her to open up to me!' No more unanswered questions, no more changing the subject, I just need to know. If this was Jenny or Dante or part of the gang I wouldn't be this persistent but there's just something telling, something ain't right and I need to protect her, 'I need to protect my princess'.

Jailyn's POV:

I felt sick to my stomach but Aiden's reassurements helped me a lot, one thing for sure is that I wanted to be anywhere but here. So, when he suggested we head home I was relieved but sad at the same time because I wanted to explore the mall some more but as long as I got to be with him I didn't mind. My heart sped up and I couldn't help but blush when he gave me a helping hand but what made me really freak out is he hasn't let go!!!! '*internally freaking out and squealing*' I didn't know what to do or if I should be the one to let go first 'but what if he gets sad or mad-' I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts so I just started looking at anything and everything but him which in the end calmed me down a bit. Soon I realized we were outside near Aiden's car. " Okay princess here we are *smiles* " he said as he opened the car door for me I smiled and did little bow as a thank you but suddenly I felt a small tug on my hand, I looked down and next thing I knew my cheeks were burning and I just froze and just stared at our hands as he kept a good grip on my hand ' omgomgomgomg please let go! Well I don't want you to but Ah!~ Why won't you let go?! '

Aiden's POV:

As we were walking through the parking lot I couldn't help but just stare at her and just observe her. Watch how she had to walk three steps to match my pace, how she leans towards me when she's looking at the cars, see the way her eyes glisten under city lights ' what are you doing to me?.. ' I want to look away, I want to stop caring, I want to stop feeling these matter how hard I try to say it's not any serious feelings I know I'm just lying to myself. ' what if she doesn't like me? Does she like anyone else? What if she replaces me?'

The questions and wonders wouldn't stop inflating my head to the point I felt sad but when I look at her they all slowly went away ' She's too pure and hurt to trust anyone but me *small smile* as selfish as that sounds I hope it stays that way. That I'm the only one she wants around, only one she can touch, the only one who can call her princess. Please let it stay that way...just a little longer... please...' I realize we've been walking for a bit so I get my keys and unlock my car as I give peanut one last glance which make my worries flow away " Okay princess here we are *smiles as I open the door for her*" like it was on cue her cheeks became pink making me smile like an idiot as my hand tightened around hers as her cheeks turned red which left me in awe. ' Jesus Christ, keep it together! You're a huge guy who.. stays calm even.. if there's a.. cutie in your presence!' Of course it was MY turn to blush because peanut was staring up at me as she waved her free hand to get my attention " O-oh shit sorry-y *takes away hand scratches the back of my neck*" 'GOD WHY ARE YOU SO CRINGY STOOPP ACT COOL ACT COOLL!!!'

" *cleats throat"* um anyway~ ready to go?" ' Nice save *smug look*' Princess nodded as she smiled so I closed her door and quickly put our things away in the back seat as I get into my side of the car and turn on the car, I buckle up and make sure she buckles up too and soon I'm off to execute my plan!

Jailyn's POV:

Even though I had a panic attack and almost said my first word in years. I still had a great time especially when Aiden would act silly or be in his protective mode when he noticed when I would get a little sheepish and timid to enter a new store with a lot of people inside. As he was driving, the radio was playing as I happily looked out the window admiring the scenery I didn't realize I so into the music I started humming and tapped my feet to the beat. The song that was playing was an older song back in the days, it was "Stressed out" from 21 pilots. I never realized how much I relate to the song but either way I loved the beat and chorus. Usually when I listened to this song I pretend to play the drums ' DOn't judge me! I've always had an interest in drums like how powerful they can sound, how quiet and how blissful, of course that depends on the player haha but don't tell anybody! ' Once the song finished all I heard was chuckles so I look at Aiden and sign "What are you laughing at?" I pouted since I felt like he was making fun of me which is the last thing I wanted to feel.

Aiden's POV:

" What are you laughing at?" she asked me as she pouted 'I swear God is just testing my patience!' " You looked cute and you sounded nice even though it was just humming, you don't have to hide yourself alright princess?" I expected her to blush and look away but she didn't she just sat there quietly and looked at me. Luckily we made it to the ice parlor shop so I quickly parked the car and let her. I stared back as she did the same. 'I wonder what she was thinking'

Jailyn's POV:

Once again he said something I never heard someone say to me, I didn't know what to think or what to feel. ' Should I believe him? [Of course not you fucking dumbass, he just playing you-] but his eyes... his eyes are tell me that he isn't lying' Throughout the years of interacting with bad people you kind of start to notice the characteristics they all have or do, especially when they lie. That's one benefit of becoming mute is you get to observe people more, read them, and see how they are as a person without having to actually interact with them. So, I just did what I did best, I observed him. I looked at how he was sitting, where his feet were facing, how he had his hands positioned, I looked at his jaw, his eyebrows, his lips, and finally his eyes. And he just stared right into mine, I got closer to him. Not once did he show a sign of deception he didn't have any bad vibes around him either. I had the strongest urge to just feel his cheeks, to touch his hair, and to... to *gets closer to him* to-

"Whatcha thinking princess?"

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