Chapter 31

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Aidan's POV:

Heading back to the room I started wondering how could I make peanut open up a little more. I want to know everything about her as creepy as that sounds but I just want to know things about her, like what she likes but being patient with shit like that is hard as hail but I don't want to scare her or anything she's different... When I entered the room I saw her sitting on the chair, staring at her phone.  When I tell you she looked tiny, she looked tiny. She had her knees tucked in as she leaned against the chair and held her phone close and oh my fucking god she giggled she was giggling! '( ̄∇ ̄)'.

Jailyn's POV:

As I waited for Aiden to come back I decided to watch Tom and Jerry on my phone. I couldn't help but giggle when the dinner episode played and Jerry pretended to be in pain and in the end Jerry got exposed of his act and gets poked on the butt by Tom saying "Ouch" that part always cracks me up.

I don't know why but it's one of my favorite episodes. I just kept replaying it over and over to the point where I had to cover my mouth to avoid being so loud. Little did I know someone was behind me "What's so funny peanut?" Suddenly hearing a voice made me jolt and fall backwards on the chair. As I tried grabbing onto something sturdy I suddenly felt like I was floating in the air but how?! Soon I realized two arms were under my armpits and a hard surface was pressed against my back.

"Are you okay princess?" Hearing that question made my face turned red once I realized it was Aiden who stopped a big ouchie from happening. I tried to sit up right but I just ended up falling on the ground as I rolled over on my side, quickly sitting up on my bum. I nodded confirming that I indeed was okay which caused Aiden to chuckle making me cover my face as my body was filled with embarrassment. "Well it's still pretty early, so do you want to do anything princess?"

Nonetheless I was surprised to say the least, when I really think about it no one has ever asked me that question it's kind of crazy to think I finally had a choice and that be given to me by a friend.

That word..."friend" 'Is that what I am to him? Does he actually want to be my friend or does he just pity me?' [Of course he pity's you. Just look at yourself your small, weak, pathetic, and defenseless. No wonder everyone keeps stepping all over you! You deserved to get ra-]

I always hated when the voice in my head started talking or got angry so I just shook my head and closed my eyes tight to ignore it. Or at least tried to... "Hey you okay peanut? Don't worry we don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

I couldn't help but feel bad for not answering his question. But there sure as hecc I wasn't going to miss my first opportunity in deciding so I shook my head "No, no I do want to go somewhere! It's just... I've never had a choice before so I don't know what we can do for fun stuff. Please, help me choose" Hearing him chuckle made butterflies flutter in my tummy "Of course princess, okay how about either the park, mall, or the movies? "

Thinking over my options that I weren't expecting, it sure was a hard decision since I've never been to movies nor the mall I've only been to the park when I was little and god I adored it but what if he think it's too childish and silly? But I don't want to spend much money anywhere either I don't want my father to raise suspicion. So I went with the safest and most appropriate choice.

"Is the mall okay?"

Aiden's POV:

"Is the mall okay? " After seeing her sign it made me smile big because a few light bulbs flickered in my head. "Of course it is! Let me just change and we'll get going right away, okay?" Seeing her look around caused me to smile "Don't worry peanut I'll go change in another room so you won't have to leave my room". She smiled and nodded and sat on my bed, as I went to go tell my parents we're headed to the mall to keep them updated, then I eagerly changed into something more comfy yet casual. After getting ready I raced upstairs worried that I kept my peanut from waiting too long ' Damn, I really stop saying that but it does have a nice ring to it.'

As I enter the room I see Jailyn looking at herself through the mirror with a serious expression, an expression I've never seen on her she almost didn't look like herself. I tried to be quiet but my footsteps were opposed to the sneakiness. Quickly looking away from the mirror she glanced at me and held that same soft expression she always had when she would look at trees, flowers, or at her backpack. " Ready squirt? " She nods with a smile as she waits to follow me.

As we make it to the car, I open the door for Jai making her hesitate a little while her eyes looked to the floor and her cheeks turned pink. A small smile crept on my face as I got into the driver's seat. After we got buckled in I started driving us towards the mall, turning on the radio I calmly drove to our destination as I noticed a curious bean kept looking out the window and looked at everything we would pass by.

Jailyn's POV:

When we got in the car I couldn't help but get shy when Aiden opened the door for me, after he got in the car on his side music started playing but I wasn't paying much attention to it, it wasn't bad though so I don't mind it's his car anyway but when I looked through the window I couldn't move my eyes away from it. It looked like a TV screen showing me a nature channel of the domestic life of human race in the city-like environment the lights, the clouds, the color of the bright beautiful evening sky, it looked so beautiful, even my camera wouldn't be able to capture its beauty. It all looked so amazing I tried remembering every detail since I'm not sure how many more times I'll be able to see the beautiful sky like this freely again.

I didn't realize how pretty the city could look when the sun was starting to go down, I have the tendency to always look down in fear of looking at other people's faces. I know I shouldn't let fear control me but every time I believe in myself my father always had a way of destroying the tiny bit of hope and courage I had. I gave up looking for hope a long time ago...

"So what store do you want to go to first?" Aiden's deep voice startled me a bit making myself to mentally flick my forehead. "Oh hey hey it's okay I didn't mean to scare ya, I'll warn you next time, okay?" After his apology I relaxed not sure why but I just did his voice sounded soft and comforting filled with.. care? 'Don't get ahead of yourself. Remember don't get fooled...Stay in your lane!' the more I tried being uptight with high walls, I just couldn't... I didn't want to and I don't know why.

I don't know why I wasn't afraid of him despite how big he is compared to me, the way he bursts out in anger, I don't know why I feel things for him. I'm very doubtful he feels anything for me other than just being his friend but it makes me super happy he wants to hang out with someone like me it doesn't make me feel as invisible anymore.

"Hey, Peanut? Whatcha smiling about?"

(Hey author here and again sorry it's taking me so long to update but I hope you guys keep reading and like the upcoming chapters, stay awesome and keep reading!)

Dark DaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora