Chapter 24

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Aiden's POV:

As I gather up the courage or words to ask Jailyn for answers. I make my way to help her put away her groceries. As we're putting away the groceries I tend to notice the table have a few scratch marks and chipped off pieces. My brows furrow in confusion, I let it go for now and hand her the stuff and watch her put everything away so neatly gently as if she was trying not to break anything. Then when I saw her push hair behind her ear I saw the dark bags under eyes more, faint old greenish yellow bruises near her cheeks and eyes. Eyes drifting to her lips they were cut up but it looked like an old cut. That's when I was fed up just wondering.

"Jailyn, what happened to your face?"

Jailyn's POV:

As he passed me the bag of grapes his voice made me jolt a bit. But his question made my throat dry, jaw clench shut, and suddenly I became afraid again.

" Don't be silly no one hur- "
"Don't you dare lie to me jai." He said sternly and calmly. Trying to gulp down the lump in my throat. Minutes passed by with me just blankly looking at him wondering why he's asking me. Why is he caring now? Why?.. ' Don't get my hopes up. '

" Don't do that, just don't" I signed with tears threatening to fall and the lump in my throat just getting harder and harder to swallow. I saw his face twist into confusion and slight annoyance. "don't do what? I'm just asking what the hell happened to your face. I know damn well people don't regularly have them." He mutters out in one breathe. I shake my head as warm tears slip down my cheeks.

"Don't.... don't get my hopes up. Don't pretend to care about me you'll just leave like everyone else. So if your pretending just leave now... I don't to be hurt again..." I hoped to the stars that he wasn't pretending hoping he is different from everyone else. Next thing I heard was a slam and by habit I instantly straightened my posture, clamp my jaw sealed, and kept my eyes glued to the floor.

"*slams fist on table* I'm sick of not knowing things Jailyn! I'm so sick of wondering whether your going to come to school limping, or hiding your face from me, or if your ever going to fucking tell the most basic things friends would know of each other! What's wrong with you?! Why can't you see that I give a shit! Why can't you just see that *I* am here. Why won't open up to me after 2months of knowing you?! What is- "

Normally when someone yells at me I would be shaking like a helpless scared animal. But right now all I felt coursing through my veins was anger and rage. I was so mad and pushed over the edge I got the first thing I saw and threw it at the wall which happened to be my backpack which had Jimmy in it.

" What's wrong me is everything! Unlike you I wasn't born into a perfect life. Unlike you I have never ever had friends. Unlike you everywhere I go I'm not safe the only place I ever ever feel remotely safe is in my room. I have been through things you and many people would have nightmares of well guess what jerk every single damn day I face the monsters your parents warn you of! I have to make sure I do everything exact and perfect just so I won't possibly end in the hospital. Every day I'm terrified and on edge because of people like you who go around punching angry yelling at everyone who so claim they care about!! So what's wrong with me is I'm so mentally and physically messed up because no one has been there for me! And the person who lives in the same house could care less about me I could wake up dead the next morning and he wouldn't care! Is that what you wanted huh?! Is this the answer you wanted mister King of the fucking school."

I have never signed so quickly or angrily before but I just couldn't stop it from spilling. He wanted an answer and that he got and more. [You're such a fucking moron why the fuck would you say anything!!! Fucking attention whore.] The voice snarled at me.

After the fumes died down and the anger slowly left my body I suddenly realized the massive mistake I have just committed. I finally look at Aiden with clear eyes seeing his shocked face and eyes filled with sorrow and guilt. But in that moment I felt fear and shame.

Remembering I threw something I look around and my heart drops seeing my things scattered on the floor but seeing Jimmy on the floor as if he was nothing to me but a mere stuffed animal when to me he was much much more.

' no no... no Jimmy ' my breathe hitched seeing his bow being ripped and his inside spilling out from a hole in his belly being ripped open. I dash towards Jimmy getting on my knees and grabbing him holding him gently as the tears rapidly flow like a river. My breathes becoming shortened and rigid my vision blurred. ' No no!! Please!!! I'm sorry Jimmy please don't leave me!! Please don't leave like Eomma!! '

Aiden's POV:

I couldn't believe what she just told me I didn't want to believe what she told me but... I just don't... I hope it's not true. After she blasted off at me she froze like a dear in headlights, her eyes became normal again, and the scared frighten peanut I knew was in front of me again. Her eyes were looking everywhere and landing on the mess she had made by throwing her backpack.

Her phone, wallet, glasses, and 'A stuffed bear?' Were scattered on the floor. But the way she looked at the bear seemed as if she hurt someone she loved. She practically bolted to her bear and she started hyperventilating and crying again she was holding it close to her chest and hand scrambled to pick up her things. She kept shaking her head and she started crying louder and louder it was starting to get me worried.

After she finished cleaning up her things she curled up against the wall and hugged the bear tightly as if her life deepened on it. I kneeled in front of her and gently spoke to her " Hey peanut, it's okay just breathe okay? What's wrong? Scared that you'll get in trouble for making a mess?" I was making an assumption sue me! I just want to see her smile again...I don't like seeing her sad. " Jimmy's hurt! Please he's hurt I hurt him just please save him! I can't lose him too! Please save my Jimmy!" At this point she was sobbing shaking and showing me her bear. I kind of wanted to laugh at the fact she thought he was gonna die but one look in her eyes I saw she genuinely believed she hurt her dear bear. That he was more than just a toy who was I to laugh at something so innocent and cute.

I smiled warmly and gently grabbed "Jimmy" and asked her for a needle and thread she hopped to her feet and did as told. When she came back I told her everything will be okay. So I stuffed the bear back properly and sewed up the hole in his belly and managed to fix his slightly torn bow.

"There you go peanut his all better. He won't be leaving you anytime soon and neither will I. "

(Thank you for all the reads! I hope you keep liking this book)

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