Chapter 7

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Aiden's POV:

*alarm buzzings**slams hand on snooze button* *groans*

        'Why why you must wake me? ' after dreading the idea of getting up I put on a shirt some sweats and a thin gray jacket. I put on my running shoes and my watch. It was only 4:50am. Why am I up well I would like to question it myself but football season is coming up and I need to be in the best shape so I go on runs in the morning it helps wake me up and I like the peace and quiet I get from it. I leave a note for my mom who always wakes around this time telling her I went for a jog so I don't worry her. 

I grab my airpods and my phone and I take my first steps outside I take a breather and start my morning jog. As I jog I see stores opening, people waking, birds waking and I stop by the usual tree I stop at I check my watch 'Huh 45min not so bad' I sit down on the grass and look around to see where I am I look and see a convenience store and a local bike shop. That weird I didn't know they had those. It looks pretty decent for a small shop I see the owner arrive and start to get the shop open. After catching my breathe and sitting for 5mins I stand up and about to start my last fifteen minutes I see a girl go to the shop with a backpack on 'Who in the hell is gonna be buying a bike at this hour? ' Half of my body is saying to finish my run but another half of me is telling me to see who the girl is. Of course I'm going to see who it is come on its me we're talking about. Besides I can use a bottle of water right now. I cross the street and enter the store greeting the cashier and try to look for the girl who entered but I can't with all these racks and stuff in the way. I don't want to be to obvious so I just pretend I'm looking around. 

Jailyn's POV:

I make it to the shop and see it's already open I stand by the door and check to see if anyone's inside. I cup my hands around my eyes and look against the glass and by my luck the owner saw me and was near the door he was nice enough to open the door for me I bowed my head thankfully. "Hey pretty lady, what brings you to my shop at this hours? " He asked me curious yet excited. I didn't know if he knew sign language so I looked at the bikes and pointed with my hand hoping he got the message. "Ah, you want to buy a bicyle I see. Well it's still not open yet but for a pretty little thing like you I'll make an exception " He chuckled and eyed me up and down. I didn't think of it much but I bowed and mouthed a thank you. I start to look around the bikes and see some really nice ones but they're too high for me, they are WAY too pricey, as I'm looking I hear the door but it probably the owner just getting a few things. I see this really pretty bike and its perfect and cheap! I have to get it. I go up to the counter where the owner was and I lightly knock on the counter to get his attention. 

"Oh hello need help finding something? " I shake my head and smiled. "Do you not speak English? " I pointed to my head "You understand it? I'm winging it here kid" I giggled and nod at his question. He sighed in relief and wiped off fake sweat from his forehead causing me to giggle more. "I'm glad, do you not speak?" I shake my head once again and he gives me a look of sympathy and understanding which makes me relax greatly. The next thing he does surprised me greatly and he signed to me. 

"I understand and I hope you understand me" He signed so fluently, effortlessly, and properly it shocked me but made me very happy. "Yes I do understand you, when did you learn ASL so properly and fluently?" He smiled proudly with his head held up high. "Well my wife is actually deaf and has trouble with her speech so I learned to be able to talk to her " He starts blushing slightly "That's so sweet I hope you are both very happy for a long time" I smiled brightly at him. As I smile my eyes drift to the clock on the wall, my smile quickly drops 'it's almost six I need to go quickly I forgot to make myself lunch! ' "As much as I would love to hear your love story sir but I really need to get going. I already found a bike that caught my eye" I signed a little rushed. "Oh that's great I'll get it down for you! " He chimed gleefully causing me to giggle as I lead him to the bike I wanted. 

The owner was surprised by my selection but liked it none the less saying it matched my personality. "Oh shoot hey dear can you get the keys that are hanging near the front door? " I look and see them hanging near the door, so I make my way to get them as I grabbed the keys I feel like there's someone watching me but I shrug it off. I happily trot back to the owner and hand him the keys. He thanks me and unlocks the lock and takes the bike off the rack and I smile and clap lightly. "Here you are dear just for you"

He hands me the bike and I smile I lean the bike against my leg and reach for my wallet but he quickly stops me

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He hands me the bike and I smile I lean the bike against my leg and reach for my wallet but he quickly stops me. I tilt my head causing him to chuckle " Don't worry this one is on me take it " "Oh no no no I can't take it let me pay for it please? It's the least I can do" " I tried to rebuttle but he wouldn't take my money I pout and put my wallet away. 
"How about this Saturday you come back and I tell you my love story since I gave you the bike deal? " my eyes shine I love hearing stories so I quickly nod agreeing I bow thankfully to him and start exiting the shop but I sneak a 5 dollar bill on his counter and leave. I hop on my new bike and place my backpack in the basket right as I put my foot on the handle I jump hearing a familiar voice. "So you could come to a local bike shop before it opens but not to my house at 5pm? " Oh no... I gulp and turn to face an annoyed looking Aiden. 

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