Chapter 6

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Aiden's POV: 

I was a little pissed why you ask well Jailyn that's what. It's 7pm and she hasn't came or left a message she didn't even look at the one I sent her !  I put all my things away annoyed and disappointed. "Dinner's ready! " I heard my mom yell loud enough for me and my sister to hear. 
I make my way to the dinning table and sit in my usual spot I sit next to my mom, my mom sits across from my dad and Julia sits next to my dad. I slouched in my chair and poke at my lasagna. 'Why am I so bummed out?'  "What's wrong with you? " My Dad asked concerned. "Nothing just not that hungry " I lied. "Oh hey what about your friend sweetie are they not going to come?" My mom asked with a hopeful smile, shaking my head showing clear disappoint she didn't come "I'm sorry sweetie maybe another day okay? Don't be so bummed out they probably got busy, now eat  sweetie " She said while ruffling my hair which causes me to smile. 

My mom always knew how to lift my spirits so I finally chow down my lasagna making my stomach satisfied. After dinner I helped my mom with the dishes, went to go take a shower, then laid back down and scrolled through my phone again. It was somewhere around 11pm and I still haven't heard from Jailyn 'Maybe her phone turned off and she forgot to charge it's yeah that's what happened. I charged my phone then went to bed worried about the little peanut I wanted to see. 

Jailyn's POV:

I woke up to my head pounding and smelling the familiar metal stench blood. I look around and sigh 'He really made a mess this time' I said in my head, with all my force I got up holding myself with the wall then I remembered what my father told me. I couldn't walk my leg from Karissa's slave hurt to much and the pain in my stomach was intolerable. So I look for my back pack and smiled in relief seeing he didn't get the bag I brought. I take it out and a bottle of painkillers I bought and I took two pills of them. As I sat down and wait for painkillers to kick in. I saw that it was 12:47am 'Why does it feel like I'm missing something' I shrugged it off. After for about an hour of just sitting there I stood up and started cleaning up the mess I looked around to see if there was any signs of my Father luckily there wasn't 'He probably went drinking' reminding my self to lock my door when I go to sleep. I pick up my backpack and go to my room luckily I have a bathroom attached to it in the inside I always keep my bathroom clean and my room clean and locked. My room is the only place I'm truly safe my Father has never gone in there neither have his gross dirty friends. I make sure of that. My room is like my little world it was originally painted a pastel pink on the sides and white on the ceiling, it had fairy lights hanging on all four walls since I didn't like the dark, I had a few stuffed animals they were the only ones who kept me company, my favorite stuffie was a stuffed bear his name was Jimmy my mom gave him to me before she passed away so I treasure him with all my heart. 

Soon my walls were painted of small animals and meadows and I painted a galaxy like sky on the ceiling with neon paint so when it gets dark the stars glow. I loved my room I made it and designed it all by myself, how you ask well my Eomma was a really good saleswoman and she left her will to me just me I put half of the money in a savings account so when I'm 18 I leave this hell hole and I use the other half for food, school supplies, clothes, etc. Which reminds me I should probably get a bike but I can worry about that later. After I took a shower I started doing my essay which I finished in an hour and a half. I check the time and it was 3:30am.

I have to wake up around 5:30am go to the local bike store that opens at 6:00am buy one that matches my height, sturdy but that isn't too heavy for me, and that actually looks decent and one that isn't to pricey. As I was thinking my tummy growled and luckily I bought a bag of corner store food a pizza pocket, a chicken strip, and a juice bottle. I eat happily satisfying my tummy. I get my phone and decided to scroll through it skipping sleep and see I got a message from someone. 

Hey Jai it's me Aiden don't forget at 5pm and here my address see you soon *address number*

My eyes widen and I lightly hit my forehead with my fist 'Stupid stupid stupid stupid' I sigh in defeat. Should I leave a message? Will he be upset? What if he hates me? What if I just lost the only friendship I could've had? I groan and cover my face with a pillow. I hear a door slamming I look out my window and I see his car I jump out of my bed turn off the main lights turn on my fairy lights make sure my door is locked and I hide under my desk staring at the door waiting. 

Father's POV:

I park into the drive way and slam the car door "Stupid bitch ripped me off it wasn't even that good" I mutter to myself I enter the house stumbling and holding onto the wall for balance I look around and see it's actually cleaned 'Wow looks like the little freak did listen but it fucking stinks of Clorox'. Stupid bitch will pay for that tomorrow. I go to my room slamming my door and flop onto my bed and passing out. 

Jailyn's POV:

I jump hearing a slamming sound but sigh in relief knowing that's my signal he's a asleep. I check my phone and it was 5:05am so I decided to get ready putting on a gray long sleeved shirt, leggings, some overalls, my red beanie and my white shoes. I look at my face wincing see my bruises and cuts not wanting anyone to find out I put on foundation covering my brusises and decided to make it look like I'm just wearing making so I put on mascara a little blush and some pink lip gloss.

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Satisfied with my look I grab my old backpack reminding myself to get a new one as well

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Satisfied with my look I grab my old backpack reminding myself to get a new one as well. I grab my room keys, house keys, my phone and my wallet. I turn off my fairy lights and I quietly get out of my room locking it from the outside with my key and I rush out of my house and sigh in relief realizing I made it out. 

Not realizing someone was out for a jog and watching me. 

Dark DaysΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα