Author's Update pt. 2

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It's been a while hasn't it? Hey guys, just want to start off with apologize to all my readers who've been waiting so long and so patiently for me to update. I'm not saying that this is the end nor I'm I giving up on this book because I'm not! But I mainly wanted to write this to at least give those special readers who've commented and asked me personally when I will be updating for Dark Days. So, to really sum it all up is a lot has happened like I graduated college six months ago, immediately went on a two month vacation visiting family I haven't seen in six years, then deciding with the help of family that I should take a year off before I start getting a job because well I only had 15 days off after graduating high school before I officially started my "college life" and let me tell you it was not fun.

Least to say is I really decided to write a book in the peak of where my life was completely occupied and overwhelmed yet I managed to write over 35 chapters but now that I've been off for six months I could barely write one decent update, weird how that happens. To be frank with you these past six months have been nothing but a huge, mind boggling, head turning, and emotionally draining companied by writer's block. These past months as a new young adult have definitely been...something, it just shows how much you didn't know as a kid and how everything was painted over with "perfect" or with 'happy" when in reality it was breaking down into pieces. A lot of traumatic things have been happening to relatives of mine and to me directly especially related to drugs, car accidents, losing loved ones, family feuds, discovering I'm autistic, and even learning that a loved one has stage 3 uterine cancer. With all that tragedy there's also been times me and my family were healing together and making better memories to make up from what we missed out. I'll be honest and say there was a long time where I thought about throwing this book in the trash or completely rewriting everything from scratch but each time I saw the reader's read number go up or every time I saw someone comment on a chapter I couldn't bring myself to throw it all out but I couldn't bring myself to engage in my book more.

Originally I had four big chapters coming up to update but then suddenly it turned into three, then up to five, then back down to two, and finally with one it felt like no matter what I wrote it felt wrong, lazy, cheap and "an easy way out" and my readers don't deserve that especially not ones who've been especially patient. I know some of you might go "its not a big deal" but to me it is. I care about what my readers feel and think because for some they read books on this app as comfort hell I used to and to me imagining taking away someone's comfort or a book they feel connected to in a way makes me feel like an asshole or like those rich snobs who only cares about their fans profits sure I'm not getting paid or anything but still!

I want to give it my all when I write, give my reader a "read worthy" book, and great author material and not some half assed work. So, no this isn't the end of this book but it definitely is the end of a huge writer's block! I'm finally getting interested and motivated once to keep this book going not just for me but also for you guys. And who knows maybe I've also been working on another book that may have something to do a special band starting with "B" and ending with "S" for those fellow Army that already has 18 chapter *wink wink* *nudge nudge*, anyway I hope this explains on my huge "hiatus"? 

Thank you all for sticking through and waiting for updates and I'm sorry I had the courage and strength to finally post this a day before the new year. I hope you had a great year, great health regardless of what that may look like for you, and have an ever better 2024! I appreciate and love you all, until the next chapter!

Sincerely, your author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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