Chapter 21

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Aiden's POV:

As we were heading in the locker rooms to go home I felt someone tap my shoulder. "What's up dude? Looking for something?" I asked bluntly "Why do you hang with the school slut?" I was beyond confused 'who's he talking about? I mean I'm good acquaintances with Karissa but were not that close ' I cross my arms and arch a brow "Look whatever the rumors say I don't give a shit clearly and she's human too you know maybe not by your standards doesn't give you the right to be such a gossiping bitch alright you can ask her all you want. It's my life even if she's just an extra person to talk to." Huffing out annoyed I turned away from him my back facing him and grabbing my bag. Great I have 5 mins to get to Jailyn's. My teammate whose name I forgot raised his hands surrendering "jeez man sorry just wanted to know if the mute freak was actually good with her mouth." I freeze hearing the names. "What did you just say?".

He laughed chuckling and nudge my chest "oh come on bet you use her while in the library huh I heard people said they see you every morning with the freak" Well at this point you can imagine how I was feeling, my blood was pumping, jaw clenching, fist balling up into fist, I was ready to fucking kill.  There was nothing but me and the idiot who called MY peanut " the school slut. I was blinded with rage I don't know what came over me but the next thing I knew I was on top of him and throwing punches. 

The team was trying to pull me off but they didn't have such an easy process but finally after about 3 of our biggest players took me off from him. Everyone circled around us to hear about the ruckus and at this moment I didn't give a single fuck. "Dude what the fuck is going on with you?" Dante asked me his voice laced with concern and confusion.  I get the guys' hands off me and I walk up to the piece of shit towering over his smaller body and shape I balled up fistful of his shirt "If you ever what so ever utter out those words again to me or to anyone I will make your life a living hell. You fuck with my friends, you fuck with me." I drop him to his feet and look around seeing them all and I stand up on a seating bench I took deep breathe glancing at Dante as I do. 

"You all better listen, and listen carefully If I so as much hear any kind of bullshit rumor about any of my friends including Jailyn as you all know and call her as the "freak" you will have to go through me. And I swear to god if any of you dare to test my fucking patience you can ask your idiotic piece of shit teammate how that will go. You all know what I'm capable. I have eyes everywhere. " I get down still pissed wishing to do more damage to that ass hat. I could tell more than half of my team were scared shitless very few have seen me angry but they all know to never find out. 

Man I'm so fucking pissed but I need to see Jailyn just something about her always can change any mood I have into a calm relaxed one. I roughly throw my bags in the backseat of the car getting in the driver's seat. I start driving to peanut's house cursing under my breathe realizing I'm 15 mins late. 'Please don't be upset with me peanut...' worried filled my head and nervousness was starting to make my heart pump rapidly as I made my destination. 

Jailyn's POV: 

one minute I was sleeping and the next I hear loud bangs. I stir awake whining lightly 'Who is it?' rubbing away the fogginess in my eyes also yawning in the process causing my paci to fall out of my mouth. I put down Jimmy and go to where the noise is coming from. Lazily peeking through the peep hole on our door I instantly became wide awake 'Aiden?!' After opening the door looking at him with "What are you doing here" kind of look he lets out a sigh "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you with but I'm here to take a friend too get some ice cream *chuckles*" I nod but I see and realize I don't have shoes on. "Come inside while I get my shoes" he gave me a big eyes filled shock and a big smile of pride. Letting him inside I close the door and go into my room and put on socks and my white shoes and get my little lavender backpack and put in my phone, wallet, portable charger, and I give a glance towards Jimmy and my pacifier. Grabbing them I just stare at them. 

'Just put them in your bag..... but Jimmy will crowded in my backpack.' [Leave the fucking toy and burn that plastic shit and lets go ] Like heck I would, as I'm standing and staring at my favorite items I hear a soft knock making me jolt and react quickly so I stuffed my paci in my backpack and put Jimmy down on my bed. I fling on my backpack and open my room door "Ready?" Aiden asked me I granted him a smile and nod I close my door locking it and head outside also locking it after Aiden gets out.  We  make way to his car as he opens the door for me causing my cheeks to heat up.  

Soon we're on our way to where ever he drives us I look out the window and I smile at the crisp leaves on the streets grass sidewalks etc. Then my eyes drift to Aiden and I just watch him as he drives but then I realizes an angered glint in his eyes his jaw slightly clenched and his knuckles bloody and bruised  'What happened'

We go inside an ice cream parlor shop it's was quiet between us but not a comfortable quiet like suspenseful kind of pause. I could feel he was upset and that something troubled him but I didn't want to nose into his business especially if he didn't want me too. A short while passes by and he still hasn't said a word he's barely eaten his ice cream while I'm half way through my blue bubblegum ice cream. The awkwardness really made me uncomfortable but I wasn't going to complain about it. I eat away my yummy ice cream until a certain voice made me jolt from surprise. 

"Why don't you open up to me?.... do you not trust?...." 

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