Ch. 7 What are you wearing?

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I watched as the wolves instantly stopped fighting and bowed their heads in sync and shifted. Once the black wolves shifted to human form I was a little surprised to find my brothers lying on the hallway floor. But I kinda already figured out that the wolves looked exactly like my brothers wolves. What I can't figure out is why did Jake and Jared fight?

They are always able to keep their cool and what would lead them to both loose their cool and act out. I know for a fact that wolves with Alpha blood can get agitated and are quick to fight but the last time I remember them having a fight like this was years ago. So what triggered them to fight now all of a sudden?

(Cress pov.)

My mother ran to my brothers side and draped blankets over their bodies before they would be exposed naked to everyone in the room. After securing the blankets around their figure they stood up looking around embarrassed. Glancing at the mess they made they solemnly hung their heads in shame.

My father walked over to them and started to sternly reprimanded them for starting a fight in the kitchen saying, "....If you wanted to fight, go and take it outside but not in our newly finished kitchen!" As my father asked them why they fought he suddenly stopped in mid sentence and looked over at Finn.

With a questionable look he asked, "Son, why are you wearing a robe and SpongeBob slippers at this time of night? Shouldn't you be in your training gear like James and Garrett?"

Everyone looked over at Finn curiously. They had not noticed Finn wearing a robe and slippers when he came in. Haha, Finn will never be able to live down this moment. He has always had an obsession with the SpongeBob tv shows and movies since he was younger. I guess interests never die.

Jake all of a sudden started to laugh as he thought Finn wearing SpongeBob clothing was the most hillarious thing he has ever seen. It probably wasn't good timing because Finn glared at him as my Dad sternly looked at Jake to be quiet.

That silenced Jake pretty quickly but he still wiggled his eyebrows at Finn as he gave him a smirk. Sigh, my brother can be such a child.

James just stood by and watched the whole situation with mild interest. Ever so often he would glance up and look around before gazing off into the distance.

To everyone else he looks like he is bored but I know this is just his resting face. Sometimes he even looks mad which intimidates all the young shifters when they meet him in the training room for the first time.

However, I know for a fact that he is always alert and listening to everything around him just in case of an attack. Even though we haven't had an attack for years.

In the future he will be a good beta to this pack and my brothers. I trust him and not just because he is my cousin.

Finn hesitated before answering my fathers question because he knows that speaking one wrong word would send him to cleaning the training rooms and training ground for weeks. Just thinking about all the sweat, blood and grime in those training rooms makes me want to puke.

I'm glad that I don't have to go in there because only those who are punished have to clean them and Finn already had to clean them last year when he came late to training a couple of times. If he doesn't have a good reason why he wasn't at training he would have to clean the gross training rooms.

Even if they do get cleaned every weekend, surprisingly it gets dirty really fast with hundreds of shapeshifters going in and out of them every week. However, it does put a good incentive to be on time and listen to the instructure so they don't have to clean the rooms but some people still get in trouble.

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