Ch. 15 Dark Times

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This seems to be a serious matter since I have never seen the guards on edge like this before in a long time. The last time everyone was on edge was about 12 years ago, but I don't remember that time too much.

Other than that, was around the time when Garrett joined the pack with his mother. I was only 4 at that time. It was one of the darkest times that year. That year has been known as the Red Pack Massacre.

That year packs from all over the country were hunted by rogue packs. Their leaders went through and killed many shifters men, women and children were killed. They had no mercy. It was forever known in history as the Red Pack Massacre because of the blood that was left behind from the rogues. 

I am glad our pack was able to fight off the small band of rogues because it was at the end of the war that they came our way to the west. I was told that the leaders didn't want to necessarily rule other packs or cared that they would die fighting. They just wanted to leave as much destruction behind as a reminder of their revenge of being casted out of packs.

 My father welcomed many werewolves from a variety of packs along with Garrett. Most packs in this country are mixed with those from old packs. I am grateful that they chose to come otherwise I would never have made friends with Garrett.

However, it has been a mystery to most of our pack members of what bloodline Garrett is from since he has such a dominating presence at such a young age. At the age of 17, I remember he was able to move up in the ranks to become a warrior in station 3 under the leader before he took that position.

I was only 13 when he garnered this position. It was an unexpected promotion. However, I always suspected he would move up fast because my father took special care of training him personally since he joined the pack.

Old Scar was the lead warrior for station 3 but retired earlier this year due to his old injury acting up. He is one of my father's good friends but is almost as old as my grandparents, so he decided to retire. Garrett must have learned well from him since he trains them similar to how Scar did it. He isn't just known to be a tough trainer.

I find that it is very cool that he trains warriors that are older than him, that just shows how much effort he put in to get this position. Although he trains the younger wolves, he mostly works with the more experienced warriors. 

Father picked the right man for the job because he is very serious about it. He has also garnered respect from the older men at such a young age. It is known by everyone in and around our pack of how he went up the ranks fast since he was 17.

However, I still don't know the reason behind him having such a talent. I am not trying to doubt him or anything it's just strange for someone even of beta blood to have such a dominating wolf.

It's not like he is part of Alpha blood since there can only be one alpha lineage in a pack and he's definitely not related to me. I guess I just always thought that he might have some lineage of beta blood if he was able to advance so far in the pack. 

That's the only reason that would make sense. However, I stopped trying to figure out his background for years now, but it always fascinates me by how gifted he is.

"Cress? Cress?!"

Jolting from my thoughts I turned in my seat to see Garrett looking at me worried. Looking around I just noticed that the car has stopped right in front of the Alpha's house.

I guess I have been too occupied in my thoughts to realize we have stopped. Judging by Garrett's demeanor he must have been trying to get my attention for a while now.

Flustered I said, "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I guess I zoned out." 

Not wanting to tell Garrett that I was thinking back to such a dark time especially to him. He lost almost everything back then.

"That's okay. I just wanted to say that we are here."

After giving him a small smile, I reached for the handle of the car and stepped out closing the door behind me. If I stay any longer in the car, Garrett will be able to smell my anxiety from being in such a small proximity. I don't need to alarm him with my worries of something bad happening again.

As he got out and rounded the car to come over by me, I watched as he came closer. Seeming like he didn't fully accept my excuse of zoning out. But before he was able to voice his question my mother came out of the house and beat him to it.

"Oh, Garrett. Thanks for being able to pick up Crescent. I'm terribly sorry that you had to do this for us on your day off."

Turning to Garrett I felt sorry that he had to pick me up instead of my parents. He never gets breaks before someone needing him to do something as small as picking me up. 

"Sorry Garrett, I didn't realize this was your day off!"

"It's fine Luna. I am glad that I can help."

I almost laughed at the way Garrett said that in a serious tone. He seemed more like it was a dangerous mission he did instead of picking me up from school.

"Wonderful! I'll send over the guards to watch over Crescent so you can enjoy the rest of your day off."

My mother was in the process of mind linking the guards before I had to interrupt her. I will not have guards again. I thought mom knew I was over them.

"No, wait!" 

My mother looked at me surprised that I would go against wanting guards. She narrowed her eyes at me probably wondering what mischief I would decide to do this time.

No one would dare to go against the Luna since her words are final. But I guess it's different when it's your own family.

Trying to explain myself without sounding rude I said, "Please, mother. I don't want to have guards following my every move. Besides I have an assignment that requires me to walk around and log the different types of trees and leaves that I can find. I don't think guards would want to do such a boring and tedious work."

I hopefully waited for my mother's words. Knowing full well that this will most likely not end in my favor.

Garrett looked at me amused that I would have a fit over guards. He doesn't know how it feels to have guards following your every move. I feel like I can't do anything without being judged and reported to my parents.

But I don't think he would be too amused after knowing what I am trying to do to get out of having guards. He likes it when I have protection along with my family. It's a natural instinct to want to protect those who are weaker and considered family.

He's not too fond of me always try to get away from my guards. I was always scolded for wanting to run away from my guards and he wasn't an exception.

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