Ch. 5 A Comforting Hug

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*** Thank you all for deciding to read my book! I hope to upload more chapters in the future. Here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy!***

**Continuing from last chapter if forgot**

Smiling, I got out of my seat waiting for everyone to fill out before saying goodbye to my science teacher Mrs. Fassler for the AP Environmental Studies class. She said goodbye to me in her overall happy self for a woman in her late forties.

When Mrs. Fassler took roll call, she was surprised to find out that I was the daughter of the Swiftwater's. She was my mother's friend and instantly took a liking to me because of my twin brothers. I guess they were some of her favorite students.

If I am being honest, I was very happy to know one person who doesn't dislike me because I am wolf-less. Once I got to my locker, I neatly put my notebooks and folders away.

I kept my books for history and APES and put them in my backpack because I have homework in those classes. Also, I will most likely try to read ahead so I can get the homework done faster in the future.

Soon after Finn, Lilac and Rosaleen joined me at my locker, and we headed out to our Jeep. Once we climbed in and sat in our assigned seats, Finn turned on the car and headed us back to our pack territory.

Lilac turned up the radio as her favorite song Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter turned on. Everyone started to sing the song and even Finn joined in surprisingly. Smiling, I looked out the window watching the forest blur by.

I pressed my delicate fingers against the cold window as many thoughts ran through my mind. I don't know what the future will hold but one thing I do know is that it will never be the same. When there is a school full of wolves life will never be peaceful.

(Couple of hours later at home)

Sitting on a blanket in the middle of the forest, I laid down propping my elbows up while reading a book. The first day of school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but there were still some mishaps.

Most of the teachers were nice, but the gym teacher was a little frightening. He was bigger than my father and looked like a Viking without the weapons and he did have a red beard.

He made us run 4 miles on our first day around the gym. It's a good thing that I ran a lot during the summer.

Sighing, in content I looked up from my book and rolled over onto my back. It was very peaceful with the bird's singing songs to each other, serenading me. The trees swayed with the wind adding to the music of the forest.

Having the urge to sing, I sang a song my mother taught me. An alluring voice echoed through the forest singing, "Listen to the music of the forest. Lulling the baby to sleep. The birds will be chirping and the creatures will be sleeping while the stars and moons come out at night. The wolves will howl to greet mother moon. Oh, how it is peaceful. The music of the night."

Just then, a shadow loomed over me blocking out the last bit of sunshine. Tilting my head back in an uncomfortable position, I looked up to see who belonged to the tall figure.

It was Garrett. He was looking down at me with a as slight smirk. Gasping a little, I realized that he must have heard me singing.

I didn't realize anyone was listening to me. A wave of embarrassment washed over me. My face started to warm up from the thought of him listening to my horrible voice. Well, it's not horrible, just not the best.

Garrett smiled even more as he saw my embarrassment and sat down next to me on the blanket. I scooted over to give him more room.

Garrett's deep but gentle voice said, "I haven't heard that song since I was really young."

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