Ch.8 Babysitters?

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After my mom left me with Garrett and Finn, it instantly felt like I was being babysat. Do you agree with me? What parent asks their daughter's friends to stay and practically watch over them like they are 8?

Apparently it's my mom. I guess she just wants me to be safe after what happened with my brothers. I just hope I get to pick the movie. Not Finn because he would rather choose to watch a horror movie than an action movie.

If I end up watching a horror movie, I tend to have nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. This will go on for about a week, so yeah not fun.

Once my mother was out the door, Finn excitedly exclaimed like a 5 year old child, "I'll get the popcorn!" Then ran to raid the damaged kitchen.

Garrett smiled at Finn whose personality can change in a split second.

Whispering to me he said, "Sometimes I think there's two Finn's because of his changes in personality and not Jake and Jared."

I laughed and forgot that I was being babysat by two friends for a moment. I don't know why it feels like I am being babysat instead of just hanging with friends.

It's probably from being with two bogs who are capable of doing anything else than spending time with me. Though I am glad that my mom chose two of my friends to stay instead of some random shape-shifter warrior.

That has happened before and let me tell you it is very embarrassing to sit around not knowing what to say and do when there are two really buff bodyguards always watching over you.

Yes, I had two body guards till the age of 13. They were only really assigned to me when family and friends weren't around.

Being the runt of the pack; as the technical term everyone uses, meant I was to be protected at all times. My case was extra special since I was also the daughter of the Alphas.

At least my body guards didn't follow me into the bathroom but I am going to say that it was very uncomfortable going to the bathroom with them standing just outside. I am very grateful that it doesn't happen anymore. Talk about embarrassment ten fold.

I grabbed Garrett's wrist while grumbling about the idea of being babysat. I pulled him over to the stack of movies while Finn walked over all the mess in the kitchen to grab us snacks.

I let go of his wrist only when I crouched down to pick out a CD from the huge collection of CD's and VHS's. Yes, we still have VCR and VHS tapes.

Garrett chuckled at my grumpy mood and went to bring over the cushy foot stool from the couch and placed it next to me to sit.

"I am guessing you aren't too fond of me and Finn watching over you," he said, his voice laced with fake hurt as he sat down on the seat.

Looking at him I questioned, "So, you also think I am also being babysat!"

Garrett looked at me before replying, "That's not entirely what I meant. I mean you probably don't want to have both of us around when you would rather sleep."

Ha, he really does get it. Deep down, I would actually not mind going to bed instead of watching a movie. I still have to go back to school tomorrow and I need more sleep than the average human, much less shifters.

They could stay up all night and be fine the next morning. However, it also depends on the shifter. The stronger the shifters are such as an alpha and beta the less sleep they need compared to regular shifters and werewolf.

Rosaleen and Lilac tried to stay up all night two times in a row but they didn't look so good the next day and slept a lot. Shifters still need sleep, they aren't vampires.

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