Ch. 39 A Chase

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Frightened at this, I asked no one in particular, "Um, did the nurse just run away?"

I stared at the pill now dissolved in the water, its coal-black color almost haunting me. If Jared was one second slower, what would've happened to me?

"It's not poisonous is it?" I asked in a shaky tone.

"Shoot!" The angry voice startled me awake from my daze.

Looking up, I caught Aiden's figure just in time as it disappeared past the door into the hallway. He's the most levelheaded at the moment and the first to go after the nurse.

She must have given me a poisonous pill if Aiden already went to track her down without hesitation. Wait? How did the school allow someone like her in? 

Something has to be going on. As I was about to ask my concerns, Jake answered them for me.

"I think she might be the one father was looking for..." Jake trailed off as he continued to mind link Jared.

Standing almost awkwardly, I watch as my two brothers stared at each other. Every so often their eyes would turn a dark black but quickly change back to their original color.

Fed up with being left out, I voiced my opinion, "Can you guys please stop that! I'm not a child, I should know if something bad is going on."

I huffed in annoyance as my brothers looked on in shock. Jared glanced at Jake for a split second before sighing in defeat.

"Cress, we know you're not a child. It's just you can't help at this moment," Jared calmly said as he gave a slight smile.

Jake piped in saying, "Cress, I mind linked Finn to meet you here. Don't leave and wait for him please. We have to go after Aiden. This is our first lead in weeks."

I nodded my head but still didn't like the fact that I can't do anything. At least Jared didn't lash out at me for my small fit. 

Bursting in, Finn came over to me giving me a hug. Once seeing Finn my brothers left without a word.

Pulling back from me, he looked at me with worry before seeing the cup full of black substance on the table. I looked at it too, surprised by what I saw slightly disturbed.

The black liquid slowly ate through the plastic cup, sliding down onto the floor melting the metal in the process. Finn pushed me behind him as he backs us both up in alarm.

Right before I thought it would continue towards us, it immediately stopped, turning into a hard substance. My brain hurts just thinking about how that is possible in the science field.

I haven't heard of something like this happening before. Does it have to do with magic?

"Um Finn? You're seeing what I see too, right?" 

"Yeah Cress, I see it. Let's get out of here before something else happens."

Finn takes me by the hand, dragging me out of the nurse's office. Practically running down the halls with my hand tightly in his grasp.

He comes to a stop once he pushes the doors open into the parking lot. His eyes cloud over as he probably tells my brothers what we just witnessed. I can't believe he isn't freaking out more. He did just get thrown into this whole situation.

His eyes go back to brown before turning his whole attention on me. He smiles gently as a way of reassuring me, not wanting me to freak out. 

"I'm taking you back to the pack right now. Alpha's orders," Finn instructed.

I nod my head not wanting to go against an Alpha's orders. Finn isn't usually the serious one but when he is, he doesn't mess around.


Finn led us to the Jeep, opening the door for me. He usually doesn't but he must be extra careful right now. Especially when there's a possibility threat aimed at me.

Once in the car, I buckled my seatbelt then continued to ask one of the many questions swarming my head, "What's going to happen now? Is that nurse the person all the packs were worried about a month ago?"

I stopped once I saw the worry in Finn's eyes. "First we'll go back to the pack then we can know more about what's going on. But first I need you safe."

Finn looked sternly as if he was worried, I wouldn't agree with him.

"Okay let's go back. At least we got to finish our first test! Am I right?" I gave a smile trying to cover up my fear.


Satisfied, Finn faced forward and started the car. He drove us hope and speeded a little bit more than normal. I guess this is more serious than I thought.

It seems like nothing can ever be normal when you live with werewolves. Especially when you're on someone's hit list.

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