Ch.38 A Close Call

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"Did you have anything to eat this morning?" The nurse asked curiously.

"Um, I don't think so. I was in a rush and forgot to. I usually need to eat breakfast otherwise I feel bad," I said trying to recall all that happened this morning. It already feels like a day has passed.

I hold onto the water bottle pressing its cool contents against the back of my neck. I sigh in relief as it helped cool me down.

"I think you just got a fever from not eating anything this morning. It seems like witnessing the fight and blood kicked in a response from your body to deal with everything. Which in turn led you to feel nauseous. It's common for non-shifters to experience symptoms like this," the nurse stated as if everything is based on my human genes.

I guess I don't know much about what triggered my fever but what she said seems valid. She's right, my body is much weaker than a werewolf but is it really this weak? To the point where I get a fever?

Just then the door slammed open banging against the white wall behind it. Leaving a dent in the shape of the handle behind. Two frantic boys looked around the room until they spotted Cress sitting on a cot in the corner.

Jake was the first to approach me, he sat down next to me putting his slightly shaking hands on either side of my face. He then continued to move my face side to side making sure there are no injuries.

Jared then came over and instantly put his hand over my forehead to take my temperature so his wolf would settle. He looked at me with eyes full of concern.

I glanced at my other brother, his back went unnaturally stiff. Noticing the change in the atmosphere, I scooted slightly back to the end of the cot by the wall.

It feels as if all of a sudden, the room became very stuffy. Jake's eyes were now trained on Aiden. His eyebrows furrowed as he got up and in a split second grabbed onto his neck.

I watch in horror as Aiden allows Jake to do this, what scares me the most is the calm look in his eyes. They stayed calm not turning a shade darker.

He must have a lot of control over his wolf more than Jake. But who can blame him, he sees his sister hurt and the only other wolf in the room that smells like her is him. A very bad misconception I must note.

In a deeper and more gruff voice he demanded, "Why is my sister like this? Did you do something to her. I swear that I'll...."

I couldn't hear the last words he spoke since he lowered his voice so low only him and Aiden could hear. It seems like a threat to me though, loud and clear.

Before things escalated Jared came over putting a hand on Jake's shoulder to calm him down. Jake whipped his head around almost fighting whoever touched him, until he saw his brother.

In the calmest voice I have ever heard Jared speak he said, "Be calm brother. Aiden didn't lay a hand on Cress. Remember those young shifters we passed? They were the cause of Cress's problem not him."

My brother calmed Jake down and in a couple of minutes he was normal again. Aiden stood slightly further away not wanting to trigger another wolf attack. He cracked his neck, loosing up the muscles in his neck.

Rolling his shoulders back, he spoke up saying, "Are we good now?"

Jake nodded his head stiffly still keeping his wolf at bay. I stood up but regretted it once blood rushed to my head too quickly. A headache replacing the nauseous feeling.

"Ugh! Now what," sitting back down I put a hand to my head as if it would soothe the pain.

Everyone in the room, turned to look at me once they heard my loud complain. The nurse who somehow left during Jake and Aiden's face off suddenly came back with an aspirin in her hand.

Honestly, I wouldn't blame her. Two Alpha's face off can be tense. The atmosphere is filled with an alpha's power almost hurting those in lower ranks from the intensity. But since I'm human, I don't feel a thing.

An almost crazed laugh stunned everyone. I looked up shocked. The nurse looked on at us with such a weird expression. I just smiled awkwardly, catching Aidens attention.

He gave me a slight smile as if he too would find this funny. Only if we were under better circumstances.

The nurse came over and gave me a cup of water and the white pill in the shape of an oval. "It's an aspirin."

Then she scurried away as if she didn't get paid enough to get caught up in a fight. I was about to take the pill before it was knocked out of my hand.

I looked up to see an angry look on Jared's face. If only looks could kill but it wasn't directed at me but the pill.

"What, what's wrong?" I frantically asked not understanding my brother's motive. Did the nurse poison me?

He picked up the pill and put it into the water cup in my hand. The pill turned the water a dark black as it melted in the water. Very quickly, I must add. It frothed and sizzled as if you put a mento into coke.

That's not supposed to happen right? Then I just remembered seeing how the nurse hurried through the main door to the hallway and not her office.

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