Ch.19 Who's there?

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Jumping in freight, I spinned around realizing the door was just closed by none other than Sabrina.

"Hello?" "Is anyone out there?"

Shuffling my feet I tried to find the light switch. After stumbling around for what felt like ages, I was finally able to find the light switch on the wall near the short hallway.

With a shaking hand, I blindly flipped the switch and was graced with light. With a huge sigh of relief, I was able to think clearer.

Ok, all I need to do is shout for help then someone will find me, right? With that thought, I started to bang on the door with my fist while shouting, "Is anyone out there!"

"No one will be able to hear you, at least not here."

Spinning around, I looked for the person behind the voice. What if they are here as a prank to harm me.

"I am not here to hurt you, I got stuck in here too."

Wait how did he know that is what I was thinking? Can he read minds? No that's ridiculous he was probably just pointing out the obvious.

Finally, after searching, I spotted a figure laying in the window well. Small rays of light illuminated the room. Sitting on the ledge of the small window, a boy or man should I say had his head laying against the side of the window.

His long legs draped across the ledge with one raised slightly up with his right arm resting on it. It was a lazy position that only someone who had the right proportions could pull off.

Embarrassment hit me like a wave as I thought about how I acted earlier. I probably looked like a chicken with its head chopped off as I frantically looked for the light switch.

It would have been different if he was a human and couldn't see anything, but werewolves have the ability to see in the dark.

The realization hit me. For all the time I was searching for the light he was able to see the whole time and didn't think to help me.

I guess he wouldn't have thought to help since being light or dark doesn't really matter to them. I shouldn't judge a person too quickly.

In a shaking voice I asked, "Who are you and why are you in here? Did Sabrina shut you in here too?"

With a confused look on his face he glanced up at the ceiling in though for a split second before saying, "Sabrina? No, I wasn't locked in here by her. Well at least not before you came in."

The mystery guy laughed at the unlikely situation he's now in. His deep husky voice resounded throughout the room. His voice surprised me because I didn't expect such a genuine and warm sound to come from his mouth.

"Then you're not here to harm me?" I asked ever so quietly that I didn't think he could hear me.

However, I think I already know the answer. Those darn werewolves and their excellent hearing. I can never escape their ears.

"No, I don't plan on harming you." He paused slightly and asked, "but do you?" He questioned with slight amusement.

"No" I truthfully said.

Not knowing what else to say, I decided to look around the room. Starting to feel awkward standing, I walked over to the mats piled in the corner that I spotted earlier during the hunt for basketballs. 

I slowly sat down on them watching the boy from the corner of my eye in the process. I don't fully trust him, not yet. I said the same thing about Sabrina and there I went and trusted her. I am not going to make the same mistake again though.

Sighing, I really wished I had my phone with me at the moment. I bet the mystery guy in here doesn't have one either.

Maybe I should ask him just in case. Gathering courage to talk to the stranger, I finally asked, "Do you by any chance have your phone with you."

The boy directed his attention back at me before saying, "Unfortunately, no. I planned to come in here away from everyone for peace and quiet."

"Oh ok."

I guess I will have to wait until someone notices we are gone. Hopefully my brothers and friends will notice that I am absent and will be able to find me. You know, with their heightened werewolf senses and all.

Slightly amused, the boy jumped down from the window ledge with ease. A soft thump resounded through the empty room barely audible.

Impressive, I don't think my brothers could jump and land that softly from that high up. He was at least 13 feet off the ground.

Once he started walking closer to me, I was able to see his features more visibly. He was wearing a white t-shirt with light brown jeans.

Looking at his face, dark brown, almost black hair fell down just below his eyebrows in the front. It cascaded down to his neck in layers. It was a good haircut but maybe a little unkept to my likeness. His features were perfectly symmetrical and looked like they were sculpted by the heavens.

No blemish could be seen on his tan skin. He had a lean but muscular build and a rugged handsomeness that only added to his appeal.

Getting a closer look at his face, I realized he looked slightly familiar. I know I have seen him before, but the question is where?

Then all of a sudden it hit me. He was the one who caught me from falling on my butt in the cafeteria. Gasping in embarrassment, my cheeks warmed up remembering the encounter.

I covered my burning cheek with my hand and looked away. Gosh this is so embarrassing.

He must know who I am since I was able to remember what he looks like. Ugh, why does it have to be him of all people to be stuck with.

I lowered my head and carefully looked up at his face to see if he had recognized me yet. He sat on a stool about 5 feet away with his long legs stretching out in front of him, indicating that he was at least 6 feet tall. He looked very intimidating.

I don't know why but I can just feel so much more intimidated by him than the rest of the male- werewolves I have met at this school. Maybe he is a wolf of a higher ranking? I haven't met too many high rankings in this school besides my brothers and one of Finn's friends.

He just has a vibe about him that says don't mess with me. It might just be because he is very tall or the fact that he has a rugged look about him and not in just a handsome way. There seems to be something else about him that I can just sense but can't figure out what it is.

The School of WolvesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora