Ch. 46 The Great Wizard

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The school bell rang throughout the cafeteria signaling the students to head over to the obstacle courses. Anyone from school can watch these obstacle courses since it is a good opportunity to see the type of courses they came up with this year.

We started to follow the crowd of students to head to the obstacle course behind the school grounds. Once we got outside of the double doors, my brothers separated themselves from the group.

Over their shoulders, my brothers shouted in sync, "Break a leg, Cress!"

"I will!" Well not for real that would be bad.

Speaking up from beside me Finn chuckled saying, "Now we wouldn't want that would we Cress? "

I smacked his arm in mock anger knowing what he truly meant. He's insinuating that I could actually break my leg. Just how much does Finn believe in my athletic abilities.

"Don't pay any attention to him Cress. He doesn't know what he's talking about," Rosaleen cheerfully said as she linked her arms with mine.

We followed the students to the stadiums as Finn was directed over to the starting line by the Phy Ed teacher. The roar of excited chatter filled the air as the anticipation of the Juniors obstacle course hung in the air.

Finding an empty spot on the bleachers proved to be a challenge amidst the sea of students already gathered there. Lilac led the way, weaving us a path through the crowd, politely excusing us as we squeezed past groups of chatting classmates.

We finally found a spot in the middle of the stadium about halfway up which provided a prime view of the obstacle course in front of us.

Scanning the course, I immediately spotted Finn standing off to the side talking to some of his buddies. He was easy to find because of his untamed hair that always seems to go in every which way.

Rosaleen exclaimed next to my right bouncing slightly in her spot as she pointed in the direction of the starting line, "Oh there's Finn!"

Just then the buzz of the announcer's microphone spread throughout the stadium. The audience immediately went quiet in anticipation.

A man's voice sounded announcing, "May I have everyone's attention! In just a few minutes the Juniors obstacle course will begin. But first I must remind the students in the stadiums to stay in their seats while the first group goes. Each course will take the contestants about 10 minutes to finish so please be patient. Good luck everyone!"

The crowd roared to life with everyone leaning slightly forward.  The first group of twenty boys lined up at the starting line. Finn was one of them as he assumed a position slightly bent down with arms stretched out.

A bang resounded, having the contestants sprint forward right through a mud pit and over some hurdles. One boy fell down into the mud right away getting a round of laughs from the crowd.

A burly dude knocked down a couple of hurdles and a boy without a shirt on lead the contestants with Finn following close. The crowd got louder in front of us. They must be the shirtless guy's friends for getting such a good reaction out of them. Not too far behind him was a group of three boys vying for third position.

Then they disappeared into the forest following the path that led them to the unknown. They will eventually circle back to the finish line. The directors must have wanted the rest of the obstacle course to be a mystery so the younger classmen watching will have a challenge too.

"Wow that first part went by fast. I wonder what other obstacles are in the woods," Rosaleen questioned.

"Yeah, I wonder. They even started them with going through a mud pit to make the rest of the course more difficult," I responded.

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