Ch. 26 A New Type of Chivalry

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I squealed with excitement and was about to open up the door before I saw it already completely ajar. Looking at Garrett, I gave him a small smile in appreciation. He still opens up the door for me even after all I put him through so far.

It's something that he does not only to me but others as well. He says that its what gentlemen do. It's not like I can't open the door for myself it's just nice to know that's how he shows his caring side. Not going to lie, but that makes me feel quite special.

He shows his caring side mostly by his actions but occasionally I see his softer side. Minus the times when he has mood swings. Well, everyone has mood swings.

Such as when he gives me words of encouragement or of comfort. Every relationship no matter what it is, should be based on being able to build each other up and not belittle each other.

I never feel less than or less strong when Garrett does these little things, but see it more as someone who needs support no matter how powerful I am.


Garrett closed the door once I got out and started walking up to the small outdoor ice cream building. Looking around at my surroundings I saw that many people were staring at me and Garrett. Why? Don't human men open up the doors for women?

I was just about to voice my question to Garrett before I saw that he stopped in long line. Great, there's only a few people waiting in front of us! I can pick out any flavors I want.

"Hey Garrett."

He just looked at me, all playfulness was gone and a guard stance ensued his personality. Ahh, he is really trying to act like a guard when my mom said to make sure I was protected.

He noticed my hesitation before saying, "Yes, Cress."

I smiled at this and said, "Can you list off the flavors that are at the top for me please? I can't see them from here."

For the next couple of minutes while we waited in line, Garrett told me all about the different flavors that they have. When it was our turn, I confidently told the boy that I wanted Strawberry Sherbert, in a waffle cone, dipped in chocolate.

The boy taking my order looked at me in an odd way before writing it down and asking for Garrett's order.

When the boy noticed Garrett by me, I saw a sliver of nervousness flash through his face as he faltered. Once he took Garrett's order of peanut butter chocolate in a dish he smiled at me.

"It will be 8.64. Will you pay in cash or Card?"

I stared at Garrett waiting for him to pull out the bill I gave him.


Startled at this. I quickly gestured towards his pocket and said, "Wait, Garrett. I said I was going to pay. I even gave you the money."

Garrett just continued to hand the cashier boy his card. After the boy handed it back to him, he said, "Your orders will be out soon."

Then Garrett brought me over to the side of the line because I was still adamant on paying. It was my idea after all. But once I got my ice cream, I didn't care about him paying for my ice cream.

Although, I am planning of slipping a 5-dollar bill into his room one day to repay him back. But at this moment I should just thank him and play nice.

While holding my deliciously looking ice cream cone,  I turned my head over at Garrett to thank him about the ice cream before I noticed a group of college girls looking over at us. Well mostly Garrett. Hearing their giggles, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Taking the first lick of the ice cream, I closed my eyes as the fresh taste of strawberry Sherbert burst in my mouth. Finally, I've wanted to come to this ice cream shop ever since I heard about it from the girls, I played badminton with during Gym class.

However, my joyfulness lasted a short time once the group of girls sat at an empty table close to use. Of course, Garrett is going to get the attraction of a lot of single females. I couldn't help but want to glare daggers at them anyways, but I decided against it.

Today isn't the first time it's going to happen and it's not the last. I just wanted to enjoy my cone in peace. Oh well.

Garrett is what you would consider a very handsome guy even when he does get more of those good-looking points by being a werewolf. I too would be surprised to see someone like him walk around humans all day since we are usually slightly better looking than humans.

Well not me, I guess. I probably look less than pretty when sitting next to Garrett.

Maybe it would be best for these girls to not think that we are together and misunderstand so I began to slide ever so slightly down the table before Garrett stopped me with his free hand.

My startled eyes went wide when he grabbed my hand and I saw his ice cream cup empty. "You're already done?"

I then scooted closer to peer into his cup and noticed how cleaned out it was. I was about to give him a complement before I heard one of the girls say, "Why is she sitting next to him. What is he doing with someone like her."

And that everybody is what ruined my mood for the second time. Can't I just eat my ice cream in peace? What's up with these girls trying to ruin my day?

I hung my head as my hair cascaded around my face to hide me from embarrassment. It's not like I didn't think about myself as average but hearing it from another person out loud, hurts.

"Don't." Garretts harsh tone jolted me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see him staring softly into my eyes. A deep contrast to what his voice sounded like just a second ago.

"Don't what?" I asked.

I was uncertain of his meaning and just had to ask out of curiosity. On no, did he hear what those girls said too. Well of course he did why wouldn't he.

I was just about to open up my mouth to say that I was fine before I stiffened up at what happened next. My brain couldn't register it completely in time, but Garrett gently reached over and tucked the few strands of hair behind my ears that fell in front of my face.

My face started to heat up at the thoughtfulness of him. Most guys would have ignored those girls' underhanded comment but he went directly against them doing the opposite of what they were saying.

He's passively telling those girls what he thinks of me. That's all that truly matters. My heart started to pick up pace and I desperately tried to calm my heart down because Garrett could pick it up from a mile away.

"Don't let them get to you." He said softly, his eyes searching mine for a response.

Smiling back I said, "Thanks, I won't"

"You can take all the time that you want. We have time."

"Thanks, I am almost done!" I quickly went back to licking my ice cream cone not knowing what else to do.

I'm not too sure of what these new feelings mean. I have to be cautious and not let anyone know these feelings that I am developing. No one can know, not even my parents.

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