chapter 4

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Weeks flew by and Amelia remained in a coma. The doctors had said that she had suffered a severe head injury and so it was a fifty to fifty chance that she might survive.

Andrew on the other hand grew depressed. He kept to himself and was no longer associating himself with anyone especially his friends.

He wanted to keep to his words and become the best brother to Amelia even if that means avoiding Francis for the rest of his highschool.

Andrew kept himself busy by visiting Amelia everyday at the hospital despite his parent urging him to take a little break and rest but Andrew wouldn't do that. He wanted Amelia to survive; he wanted her to know that he was ready to be a good brother to her again.

But then again there was Dave. Andrew knew that Dave wouldn't make it easy for him but he was going to try.

Dave visited Amelia often and his parents were becoming fond of him. Amelia barely had any friends so their parent were more than happy to welcome him.

Andrew feared that Dave would expose his secret to his parent but he was shocked when he walked in on his parents questioning Dave about the incident and all he said was 'lia fell by accident' and Andrew was confused as hell as to why the latter lied for him.

Yes Amelia did fall by accident but still that wasn't the entire story. He thought that Dave would eventually rat him out since the guy bore a deep hatred for him but he didn't.

Andrew wanted to know the reason why he didn't tell the full story to his parent. It confused him a lot and he wanted to know why.

It was the end of another school day and Dave was making his way out of the school building when Andrew walked up to him. Dave looked up at him and instantly his expression changed into a scowl.

Andrew wasn't surprised though; he was used to it already

"What do you want?" He spat out harshly causing Andrew to wince inwardly at his tone of voice. He never fail to show Andrew just how much he hated him and Andrew was a little shocked that his parents fail to notice Dave's obvious dislike for him.

Andrew sighed ignoring his harsh tone "can we talk?"

Dave gave him the harshest glare he could muster before he rejected his request "no!"

He walked past him not even sparing him another glance and Andrew stood there staring after him. He choose not to stop him because he understood Dave's hatred and he knew he deserve it.

He knew Dave was very hurt by what happened to Amelia. Amelia is his best friend and the only one who was there for him when Erin betrayed their friendship and choose to join the populars. Since then, they only had each other and now if he loses Amelia, the poor boy might not be able to take it.

The thought only cause Andrew's guilty feeling to surface. He didn't just put his sister's life at risk, he also put her friendship on the line.

The thought sickened him and he suddenly wish he was in Amelia's place. He deserve to die not her.

"Drew" Francis voice pulled him out of his thought and he look behind him to find his ex best friend standing there. Andrew had been avoiding him for two weeks and francis respected that and didn't approach him but now it seems he really wants to talk.

Looking at his friend right at that moment, Andrew realize that he looked nothing like the cocky arrogant bully he used to know.

His brown hair was Hair was disheveled and it seems like he had been running his hand through it. He also had bags under his eyes and it seems like he haven't slept for days.

Francis was always the fashion hunk of lotus high but it seems like today, he just threw on the first clothes he grabbed from his closet.

Andrew felt pity for his friend as he stared at him but he found himself not caring about the miserable state his friend was in. He made a promise to Amelia and he was going to keep it.

Turning away from from Francis, he began walking away from him but Francis followed behind him quickly. "Please drew let's talk. You've been avoiding me for weeks already"

"I don't want to talk to you" he answered not bothering to look at Francis as he continue his walk out of the school grounds.

"Andrew please hear me out this time" his voice was pleading yet serious and Andrew was tempted to give in

But he had to keep his promise to Amelia.

Francis is his best friend and he loves him like a brother but this time he is choosing his sister.

"Drew hear me out please" he pleaded once again as he suddenly stood right in front of Andrew causing him to halt in his steps.

"Get out of my way Francis, I don't want to talk to you"

"You don't have to talk; I just need you to listen to me please" his eyes held so much pleading and Andrew found himself giving in. He knew Francis didn't deserve to be treated like this because what happened to Amelia wasn't entirely his fault but Andrew felt he needed to sacrifice his friendship in order to make it up to his sister.

Francis didn't deserve his cold attitude so the least he could do is listen to him.

"Alright" he sighed "I'm listening"

He could see the relief in Francis eyes as he began after a deep breath "i-i know you hate me right now for what I did and I don't blame you. Hell I've always been a jerk to everyone. I-i didn't know what it feels like to be loved and cared for cause even my parents pretend I don't exist. I was nothing but a burden to them. They only cared about providing me with the things I needed; all they care about is the money they make and even if that money had brought me this far, I still wish they gave me something I really needed; their attention, love and care" he pause for a moment and took in a breath before he went on "I never knew what it feels to be loved and cared for until I met you. I saw the way you treated your sister and I wanted something of the sort"

He sighed and went on "believe it or not drew but you were like a real brother to me. I may have a lot of friends but you are the only one who is really true to me and for that I valued our friendship a lot. I watch you give up everything including your sister just to be my friend and for the first time ever I realize that someone actually cares" his eyes were glassy and Andrew felt the need to comfort him but he held back. "I've been alone almost all my life so having someone care about me is really something to me. I never meant to be a bully to your sister but I was scared that you'll finally come to realize that I wasn't related to you and you'll choose your sister over me and I just..." He chocked on his words but composed himself quickly and continue "drew I just want to say that I'm sorry. It's all my fault that Amelia is going through all this and I regret what I did. I just want you to forgive me. You're not just a friend to me drew, you're a brother and I can't bare the thought of you hating me. I know I haven't been a good friend to you and I'm not asking you to bring back our friendship. I just want you to forgive me and if you do, i promise I'll never hurt Amelia again. I'll protect her instead like a real brother if you'll let me. And i understand if you don't forgive me because i know i deserve it and don't blame yourself too much drew. You're a good person, a good brother and a great friend" he sighed and look down at his shoes in sadness "I guess it's my loss" he look up and this time Andrew saw the tears in his eyes but he turn away quickly "bye drew"

Andrew stared after him stunned; he was surprise at all what Francis had said. Francis never liked talking about his family so that detail about his parents attitude towards him was new to Andrew. Francis speech made him realize just how little he knew about his best friend.

Andrew felt guilty for blaming him. He was just a guy looking for someone who cares and he found that someone in Andrew an he thought, instead of breaking off their friendship, why don't they make it up to Amelia together. They can both be her big brothers if she let them.

But then there was save. He would never let that happen because he didn't trust them anymore but there I no harm in trying.

Encouraged by the new idea he took off to go look for Francis. He just hoped the guy hadn't left already.

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