Chapter 19

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Her head was spinning in confusion and she could hear the loud beating of her heart against her rib cage.

There was utter silence in the kitchen as her mum waited for her to process what she had just said.

Amelia was confused and she felt like she was going to have a headache soon

She... She tried to commit suicide?

But that couldn't be true. She knew within her that she wasn't the type of person to ever think of suicide no matter the situation.

This must be a lie. Her mum must be lying. What she is saying couldn't be true. She couldn't believe it. She wouldn't believe it.

She stared up at her mum, tears of hurt and confusion flowing down her eyes. "No mum you're lying. You aren't telling me the truth. It can't be true"

"Honey please listen to me" her mother pleaded stepping closer to her but she step back. She didn't want to be near her mum right now; she couldn't take the lies anymore.

"Just stop lying mum. What you're saying isn't true" she shook her head. "This is a lie. Why can't you guys just tell me the truth"

"I'm telling you the truth honey. Y -You left the house with... With Dave. Yes with Dave and you didn't return home early. Andrew w-was mad a-and he told you t-to stay away from D-Dave cause Dave was a b-bad influence to you and..."

"And I committed suicide" Amelia cut in with deep sarcasm and bitterness dripping out of her words. She couldn't help but laugh at the lame explanation "so you mean I'm that narrow minded to kill myself just because Andrew asked me to stay away from Dave"

Her mum fell silent. It seems she didn't know how to answer the question. To Amelia, it seems her mum was thinking of a lie to add to her mountain or lies.

"Andrew also asked Dave to stay away from you because you refused to stay away from him and Dave agreed and it devastated you. You couldn't bare the thought of not spending time with your best friend and that's why you..."

She left her statement unfinished but Amelia already knew the rest of the words and she knew it made no sense at all.

Why would she try to commit suicide because of that but could it be true? maybe Dave hated Andrew because he blames him for what happened to her.

But she wouldn't believe her mother just like that. She would ask Dave; he would never lie to her; she trust him.

She looked back at her mum. The woman was lying that's for sure. But tomorrow at school, everything would be cleared.

"I'm going to ask Dave about it tomorrow mum. And if I find out you're lying to me, I'll never forgive you"

She walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to her room while furiously wiping the tears from her eyes.

Tomorrow everything would be cleared and she'll finally know the truth everyone was trying so hard to hide.

The next morning, Amelia completely ignored her mum at breakfast. She had decided not to talk to her until she finds out the truth from Dave.

She was nervous and scared of what Dave might tell her. What if her mum was right and everything she said is true.

No it couldn't be true. She wouldn't believe it until she knows for sure.

"Honey, your dad would be retuning later today" her mother informed trying to start a conversation but Amelia wasn't in the mood to talk to her, so she ignored her completely.

She would have asked her dad about all this but she knew he would just end up lying to her like her mum did.

After a while, her mum said again "Andrew hasn't come down yet. He must be having a hangover. You should take some coffee to him lia; he'll really need it"

She sighed and poured some coffee into a mug then she carefully took it upstairs.

She agreed because she really didn't want to say a word to her mum.

She knocked on Andrew's door but there was no response. She knocked again but still no response.

Sighing, she pushed open the door and walked in only to find Andrew under the covers shivering.

"Oh my god!" She exclaim as she placed the mug on his bedside table and rushed to check up on him "Andrew are you okay?" She asked concerned but his eyes remained close as he continue to shiver.

She placed a hand on his fore head and she realized he was burning up "oh God you have a fever"

She got up and rush downstairs to go inform her mum but she was gone.

Why did she leave all of a sudden? She was suppose to be the one to take her to school today.

Well then guess she'll just have to skip for today and take care of Andrew but about her questions for Dave?

Well that can wait?

She quickly rushed to the kitchen to prepare some hot soup for him

Amelia pulled the thermometer from Andrew's mouth and she sighed in relief. His temperature was slowly turning normal.

She stared at his sleeping face. He looked really sad even in his sleep. Was it really her fault that he's sad? If her mum is telling the truth, then it isn't fair to treat Andrew like a stranger.

What her mum had said didn't explain why she felt this fear for him. Or maybe he was just strict with her and she finds it scary.

She sighed; she would never understand all this unless someone tells her the truth.

Her cellphone rang from Andrew's bedside table and she quickly picked it up.

seeing that it was Dave, she smiled.

"Hi Dave" She greeted into the phone.

"Hey lia. I just notice you and Andrew aren't at school today and I got worried. Is everything okay?"

She smiled at his concern. Damn he just made it so impossible not to like him more "Andrew is sick and I had to take care of him"

"Oh" he realized "is he feeling okay now?"

"Yeah, he's better now"

"That's good to know. Maybe later I can drop by to come see you after school"

She grinned in excitement. Maybe this is her chance to talk to him; she didn't have to wait for tomorrow

And okay fine she admit she miss him already and would want nothing more than to see him and if possible hug him like she did the other time at his house.

"Lia you still there?" His voice from the cellphone broke her thought and she realized she hadn't answer him.

She almost faced palmed at her stupidity "yeah I'm here and yeah you can come over later"

"Alright I'll be there. Bye"

"Bye" the call cut and she tried all she could not to jump and scream in excitement. She didn't want to wake Andrew up.

As she stared at Andrew, she promised herself that she would make up for their lost time as siblings if her mother turns out to be telling the truth.

She would make it up to him cause it wasn't really his fault that she tried to kill herself_ if at all she really did try_ but if her mum had lied to her, then she wouldn't know what she would do.

As of now, she had to wait two hours before Dave gets here.

I just want to say that those who want Francis to suffer please don't worry. He has his own sins to pay for and it will take a few chapters before he can finally be punished for his sins.

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