Chapter 18

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Andrew sat on a park bench with a bottle whisky in his hands. The air was cold and the sun had already retired for the day.

He took a swing from the bottle; hot tears falling down his eyes.

He had always had hunch that Amelia was scared of him, with the way she was always fidgeting with her fingers whenever he was around her or the way she flinch when he tried to touch her at the airport.

He laughed bitterly to himself. How did he even think that things were going to be okay.

He felt so disgusted with himself. He had broken her so much that she gets scared of him even when she has amnesia.

Maybe it was better if he just go far away from her. Maybe it was better to fulfill her wish and just leave her alone.

Perhaps this was the only way he could pay for all he did to her. He could go live with aunt Sonia. She would be more than happy to have him.

He took another gulp from the bottle. He felt a little bit better now.

"Drew" he heard Quinn's voice call as she came and stood in front of him. He called her a while ago because he badly needed someone to talk to right now. "What are you doing Drew?"  She asked in horror as she took the bottle away from him.

Quinn hated alcohol and he refrain from having any because of her. But this time, he just couldn't control himself.

"What happen drew, why do you look so upset?" She sat beside him on the bench. Peering at him as if searching his face for what happened.

"I... I don't know what to do anymore Quinn" he buried his face in his arms sobbing softly "I feel like I'm dying slowly" he sobbed became loudly.

Quinn patted his arm in comfort and she allowed him to let it all out "she's still sacred of me. I can't believe my actions had done much more horrible damage than I thought. I ruined her life Quinn. She'll never accept me as her brother"  

"You can't keep blaming yourself drew" Quinn told him as she continued comforting him "yes you played a big part in what happened to Amelia but you shouldn't take all the blame. We all have a hand in this you know. Kaitlin and Francis are at fault cause they were the ones who led you into something so awful. And I'm to blame because I knew it was bad but didn't stop you. Your parents are to blame because they weren't around to stop it. In fact we all are the cause of what happen to Amelia, you, me, your parents and everyone at school including the staffs. So you shouldn't take all the blame Andrew" 

"But its worst for me Quinn. I'm her brother. I was suppose to protect her"

"We are humans drew. We aren't perfect and we make mistake from time to time. All we have to do is learn from them"

"I have learned Quinn and I want to fix them. But it seems the damage was so brutal that it can't be fixed any more" 

Quinn sighed. It seems like things have gone really bad. Amelia hasn't fully recovered if she's still scared of Andrew.

Quinn didn't like seeing Andrew so helpless and broken. Maybe it is time for her to finally talk to Amelia.

Amelia was relaxing on her bed after the wonderful family party she had with Dave's family. There were more than happy to receive her and they sympathize at her condition.

She had a lot of fun spending time with Dave's siblings. They were really funny. Being with them feels so natural and she felt so glad that Dave invited her over.

They distracted  her from her talk with Andrew but now she was worried because Andrew hadn't returned  home yet.

She really hope her words didn't hurt him enough for him to hurt himself or something.

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