Chapter 24

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Amelia couldn't contain her excitement as she got ready to meet up with Dave at the lake.

He had told her to meet him at the lake after school. He had something to tell her and she was more than excited to hear what he had to say.

She has an idea of what he might say and the thought of it made her giddy.

For the first time ever, she was having difficulty in choosing an outfit.

Its just Dave, why was she even stressing herself anyway. He'll be okay with whatever outfit she choose to wear. Finally she decided on a green layered top and white skinny jeans. Then she applied a bit of cosmetic before walking out of her room.

Her parent weren't home yet and Andrew took Quinn out on a date. Seems there were together now.

As Amelia walked out of the house, she was shocked to see Francis leaning on his car. His eyes looked up when he noticed her presence.

"Hi lia" he greeted with a smile.

"Hi" she answered unsurely wondering what he was doing here. And why didn't he press on the door bell. "Drew isn't home yet" she informed guessing that he was probably here to see Andrew.

"I know" he said nervously "actually I came to see you. I was wondering if you would like to hang out"

Amelia noticed the hope in his tone but she couldn't hang out with him. Not today "I'm sorry Francis, I have plans already. Maybe next time"

"Oh" his tone was low and sad but Amelia choose not to dwell on it. She wouldn't ditch Dave for him. "Then let me give you a ride there"

"No its okay. I'll just take a cab" she quickly protest.

"No lia I insist. You don't have to take a cab when I can take you there myself"

Amelia didn't know if she wants him to come along. He is her friend now but there was still that feeling of distrust. She didn't trust him and she felt he is planning something.

But well, she couldn't refuse now. She won't waste time arguing with him and keeping Dave waiting.

"Alright" she agreed as she made her way to the passenger sit of his car.

Francis smiled and wasted no time in jumping into the driver sit. Maybe the plan would work after all.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he started the car.

"Just drive I'll point you the directions" actually, she had no idea where the lake was. She was only going to rely on her memory like she did the first time.

Francis nodded and pulled the car forward and unto the driveway. He was feeling both nervous and excited.

After today, Amelia might finally be his.

The narrow path to the lake wasn't fit enough for a car to go through so Amelia and Francis had to go the rest of the way on foot.

Amelia had insisted that Francis shouldn't come with her but he still didn't listen with the excuse that he wanted to make sure she got there safely so she had no choice but to let him.

The lake finally came into view and Amelia could already detect Dave's figure standing beside the water but she halt in her steps when she notice someone with him.

Although they were still far from each other, Amelia knew the other person is Erin. There was no way she could be mistaken; that is definitely Erin.

But what was Erin doing here.

Just as she took a step towards their direction, Erin kissed Dave and her steps halted along with her heart.

Tears filled her eyes as she quickly turn away from them.

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now