Chapter 13

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They sat beside each other with huge smiles on their faces, staring at the beautiful lake before them.

The air was refreshing and Amelia wished she could stay there forever.

She look at the other figure beside her who was already staring at her with a soft smile on his face.

"I'll always be here for you lia" he promised with a soft voice, his green eyes staring at her with so much emotion. He gently pulled her to his chest masking her in his warmth and causing her to sigh in satisfaction.

She was safe by his side.

Amelia's eyes fluttered open and she stared at the white ceiling above her.

It was the same dream again.

The same dream she has been having ever since she recovered.

The green eyed boy in her dream was the person she always looks forward to at night.

She had no idea who he was or if he was even real but she knew she felt safe in his arms and whenever she had dreams of him, she would always be in a good mood the next morning.

She could recall Eliana always teasing her about her crush on a guy who wasn't even real but Amelia couldn't help herself because he felt so real.

She recalled that when she told Eliana about the guy in her dream, Eliana had told her that maybe it really wasn't a dream but a memory.

At first Amelia wanted to believe it but she couldn't remember anything about him and could only see him in her dreams. So she had given up on trying to remember him because he probably didn't exist.

She was contented with her dreams of him.

Sighing, Amelia got out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

She wasn't starting school anytime soon because doctor Rivera had told her to rest and prepare for it.

Amelia didn't remember anything about school or having friends but when she had asked doctor Rivera about it, the doctor had said she was home schooled all her life and her parents confirmed it.

But she still felt that a lot of things wasn't right. Even though she didn't attend school, she should at least have a few friends.

It was all so weird and confusing but in due time, all her questions would be answered.

After getting dressed in jeans and a white shirt, she threw on her jacket and made her way downstairs.

The kitchen area was already filled with the scent of delicious food and Amelia followed the scent to the dinning table where her mother was already dressed in her business suit and setting the table.

"Morning mum" she greeted taking her seat at the table.

"Morning honey, did you sleep well?" Patricia questioned curiously with a warm smile on her face.

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