Chapter 11

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A:N for those of you who are confused at Amelia's memory loss, I hope this chapter will help clear things up.

Amelia stared back and fort at her mum and Dad as they sat at the dinning table awaiting their dinner. The moment they got home, her mum had called doctor Rivera but she had no idea what they talked about because she had been in her room unpacking. She was glad the room remain neat and untouched.

After the call, her parents have been silent and refusing to meet her eye.

She thought of her supposed brother she met at the airport and she wondered what was the story behind him. If he really is her brother, why didn't she remember anything about him and why didn't doctor Rivera say anything about him.

It was all so confusing and she was waiting for her parents to fill her in but they seem reluctant to do so. She decided to approach the topic herself.

"So" she began breaking the unbearable silence "are you guys going to tell me about this brother of mine?"

She watched as they both shifted in their sit. She could tell that they were nervous but why. If the guy was really her brother all they have to do was tell her; maybe she could remember a few things about him if they tell her something. Even just a hint would be enough.

Her mother stated at her and Amelia could see the discomfort in her eyes which only confuse her further. Why does the topic seem so difficult to them.

"Lia y-your brother he um..." Patricia stooped as if she couldn't find the words to say and Amelia frown; they were getting suspicious.

"Is he adopted?" She voiced her thought. Well that was the only logical thought she could think of.

"No lia, he isn't adopted" her father answered quickly and she stared at him waiting for him to go on "well he- he um wasn't always around"

"Yes that's right" Patricia quickly jump in. "Your brother lived with your aunt Sonia for a Long time and he only return home on short visits"

Amelia nodded dryly as she thought about this. It didn't make sense though. If he really is her brother, she expected them to be close. It doesn't matter if he wasn't always around at least she had to remember something about him; anything at all.

She looked at the nervous expression her parents held. It seems like they were hiding something from her. But what could it be.

Everything about this brother scream suspicious. She could remember the hurt look in his eyes when she revealed that she didn't know him and again he seem nervous when he greeted her as if he was somewhat scared of her reaction.

But that wasn't the only weird thing about him. She couldn't explain the feelings she had when he reached out his hand to take hers. For a moment she thought he was going to hurt her. She had no idea why she suddenly felt that way but she couldn't help it.

And then there was his creepy friend who stood there beside him. For a moment she thought she recognize those scary eyes. They scared her. It was as if she stared at the very devil but she had no idea why she felt this way.

There must be a reason to all this and she was going to find out what it is.

She looked back at her parent and smiled, wanting them to think that she believed their explanation.

She was mad that they were hiding something and lying to her but she hoped it is for a good reason.

"It's okay I understand" she sighed and stood up"I'll just go to my room"

"But dinner isn't ready yet" Dan said

"It's alright dad. I'm tired and I already ate on the plane. Goodnight" she walked up the stairs leaving them alone. She was kind of upset with their lying but she didn't want to make it obvious.

The parent watch as Amelia marched towards her room and after they heard the door shut behind her, they looked at each other "do you think she believes us?" Dan whispered to his wife.

"I don't know Dan. But we have already told her so there is no going back"

"But lying to her isn't really a good idea Tricia"

"We have no choice Dan. You heard what doctor Rivera said; if we push it, she might only get worst"

Dan sighed in defeat. Maybe this was meant to happen after all.

At that moment, Andrew walked in, looking a mess. His hair was a mess probably because he had been running his hand through it.

He walked towards them and sat down on a chair. He looked so sad and distress and his parent couldn't help but feel sad for their son.

"Son we talked to doctor Rivera" his mother began silently "your sister had to undergo psychodynamic therapy because her panic attack just seem to be getting worst"

Andrew couldn't help the tears "so_so her memories of me were removed on purpose"

It hurts more that her memories of him has to be removed before she could get better. Yeah her memories of him was mostly bad but there were equal amount of happy memories shared.

How would she ever accept him if she sees him like a complete stranger.

His mother's hand grabbed his "son it wasn't just memories of you. Everything about the bullying was removed. She knows she fell down a building by accident but that is it. She remembers nothing about you nor your friends. not even the school in general"

The tears increased as guilt threaten to choke Andrew "this is all my fault mum. I'm sorry" he buried his face in his hands and sobbed.

"Son it's okay don't cry. You're a man now. Instead of crying over your mistakes you should make things right"

Andrew looked up at his dad with tear stained cheeks "but dad how will I do that when she doesn't even remember who I am. I'm nothing but a stranger to her now"

"Maybe this happened for a reason. Maybe her amnesia is a good thing. You can start over now that she's over her fear of you"

"She still doesn't trust me. I can feel it"

Patricia answered this time "then you just have to win back her trust son" she rubbed his hand affectionately.

"And we will be here to help you out" Dan added as he place a hand on his shoulder while giving him an encouraging smile.

Andrew wiped his face with the back of his hand "you're right Dad. I should win my sister back. Amnesia or not"

"That's the spirit" Dan praised

"Mum, Dad. Thanks a lot I know I don't deserve your support but I'm grateful you guys are giving me a chance to make it up"

"You just have to know we are always here for you no matter what. I'll go get dinner" she stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Andrew felt a new found determination gush through him at his mother's words. Maybe they are right and Amelia's amnesia is a good thing. He would use this to his advantage

Hope all will go well this time.

I hope things are cleared up now. Amelia isn't ignoring them; she really lost every single memories of her past days in high school and remembers nothing except her parents.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any confusing questions and also don't forget to vote and comment

Thank you

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora