Chapter 10

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"Drew calm down already" Quinn scolded in a whisper as she stood beside Andrew in the airport.

Ever since they arrived at the airport, his hands kept on tightening around hers. His heart was beating fast in nerves.

His parents stood beside him. There held a calm expression but Andrew knew they were also nervous. We haven't seen Amelia in two years and we didn't know what to expect.

Francis stood beside Quinn. He had been silent through out the car ride and he was probably also nervous.

Andrew watched watched everyone carefully. he noticed a young girl dressed in baggy clothes and huge glasses looking towards their way and smiling.

"I think that's her" Quinn whispered but Andrew wasn't sure because she looks nothing like his sister except for her clothes and glasses.

She began making her way towards them and his stomach tightened in anticipation and just when he was about to walk towards her, she walked right past him and joined an older couple behind them.

"Guess I was wrong" Quinn said and Andrew sighed.

He looked up once again and his eyes caught another girl who just walked out. Andrew couldn't stop staring at her.

She wore skinny jeans and a black T-shirt that fits her body perfectly. Her hoodie was tied around her waist and her hair fell freely down her shoulders. Her dark sunglasses and black boots gave her the perfect badass look.

Andrew couldn't stop looking at her and he knew the others were also looking at her.

Although they couldn't see her face properly because of her glasses Andrew knew she was a beauty; her body screamed perfect.

She look around until her eyes met his parents and a small smile graze her lips before she began making her way towards them, dragging her luggage along with her.

Andrew looked at his parents and he saw that they were also confused.

Why was she coming towards them. She couldn't be Amelia; Amelia would never dress like that. Unless she wasn't actually looking at them and she would probably walk past them like the other girl just did.

The moment she pushed up her glasses, Andrew heard his mother gasp beside him while he had his mouth hanging open in utter shock.

No matter how much she changed her eyes were still familiar. He would never forget those eyes even in a million years.

"Mum, Dad" the excitement was clear in her voice. A smile suddenly appeared on Andrew's lips and suddenly all he could see was his sister. Oh how he missed that voice.

It's really her.

She was really back.

"Amelia" Patricia was the first to recover as she pulled her daughter into her arms. Tears of joy were already flowing down her eyes "oh I miss you so much my dear"

"I miss you too mum. You have no idea" she hugged Patricia tighter as if she would disappear the moment she let her go.

"Don't I get a hug too" Dan asked beside Patricia and Amelia smiled and hugged him as well.

"I miss you a lot dad"

"Same here princess" he released the hug and smiled down at her "wow you've changed a lot. You looking more beautiful than i remember"

She smiled widely "thanks dad. And by the way there is a lot I want to talk to you about. Mostly my stay in Paris and how you guys have been doing here on your own"

She began telling them stories of her stay in Paris and how beautiful Paris was. She was either ignoring Andrew or she totally forgot he was even there.

Quinn was probably fed up with their chart because she cleared her throat and that was when they finally notice that someone was beside them.

Amelia looked towards Andrew and for the first time their eyes met. Andrew was now shaking visibly due to nerves as Amelia watched him silently as if she didn't know his at all.

"Common" Quinn bum his shoulder urging him to say something.

He released a shaky breath and smiled nervously "hi lia"

Her expression suddenly changed to confusion at his words. He wondered if she was confused because she didn't expect him to be there but the words that came out of her mouth was a shock to them all.

"Sorry do I know you?" She asked unsurely.

For a long time, no one said a word. I mean what would you say when after two years you meet your sister and she suddenly ask you such a question.

His father came to his rescue "what do you mean by that dear this is Andrew, your brother"

She looked a little shocked "my brother?" Her eyes finally left Andrew's to look at her parent "I didn't know I had a brother"

Andrew's heart stopped at that. What was she saying.

"What are you saying Lia this is your elder brother. Andrew" Patricia said confused. They were all confused that's for sure.

"Mum I really don't understand what is going on here. Doctor Rivera never told me I had a brother"

"What do you mean?" Patricia asked.

"I mean after my treatment I had amnesia for a few days and during those days, doctor Rivera helped me get my memories back by talking about you two and showing me pictures of the two of you and gradually, my memories return. not once did doctor Rivera mention a brother to me. This is my first time hearing about this" her eyes met Andrew's and they were filled with curiosity. 

The parents ran out of things to say. They wondered why the doctor didn't tell them about this "let's get home first then we can talk about it properly" Dan suggested.

"Anyways, nice to meet you Andrew although we supposed to have met before" she extended her hands formally and Andrew couldn't keep the hurt off his face. She was treating him like a total stranger.

He ignored the hurt and was about to take her hand but she pulled it back a little as if fearful of his touch. Andrew didn't hid the hurt this time.

"Um... Sorry I just... I'm sorry" She stuttered. Her voice was a little shaky but she shook her head as if trying to clear her thoughts and took his hand but was quick to draw it back.

Her eyes fell on Quinn and Francis "so these are..." She enquired waiting for them to fill her in.

"Wait, you don't remember them too?" Her father asked

She looked at him "do I know them as well?"

He shook his head "not really dear they are just Andrew's friend" Patricia answered giving Dan a 'don't push it' look

"Hi i'm Amelia" she introduced but didn't offer her hands.

"I'm Quinn" Quinn smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Francis" Francis answered simply watching nervously as her smile faded when she looked at him but she was quick to place it back.

After the introductions, Amelia walked out of the airport with her mum while Andrew remained watching quietly. He felt like crying right now. He was so happy thinking things were finally going to be okay but instead it just got worst.

"Son" he felt his father's hands on his shoulder "don't be so sad about this. I'm sure we will find out the reason soon and sort it out"

Andrew only nodded at this. He knew if he opened his mouth he would only end up wailing in sadness.

"Go with your friends okay and calm down a little before coming home" he advised and Andrew nodded again refusing to say a word.

Dan sighed patted Andrew's shoulder before walking out of the airport to join his wife and daughter.

Andrew felt left out but who else could he blame but himself.

He was the cause of all his unhappiness right now so he shouldn't complain because he deserve it.


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