Chapter 12

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Amelia was now relaxing on her bed after the unpleasant conversation she had with her parent.

She refuse to let suspicion cloud her mind because she knew what ever her parents were hiding, it's just a matter of time before she finds out.

Her eyes fell on her cellphone on her bedside table and she picked it up. Its about time she calls her best friend in Paris.

Eliana is doctor Rivera's only daughter after four boys and that is the reason she was treated like a baby even at twenty two.

All her brothers were now married men and she was always complaining of loneliness which was the main reason she accepted Amelia with open arms when she was brought to live with them. She kind of played a role in Amelia's recovery.

Amelia quickly dialed the familiar number and Eliana's cheerful voice spoke up after three rings.

"Hey there girlfriend"

Amelia smiled "hey ana"

"You know I'm still sulking because you left. This house is back to being so damn lonely"

Amelia chuckled. She could imagine the cute pout which was obviously stuck on her face now. "You can come visit if you want" Amelia suggested but she sighed sadly.

"I really wish I could lia but right now I just have a lot in my hands. Maybe next time" Amelia didn't get the chance to reply before Eliana changed the topic "so how are you doing back there?"

Amelia sighed at her question as her mind went to Andrew "not very good. I kind of met my brother"

Eliana didn't reply for a while before asking hesitantly "your brother? I didn't know you had a brother"

"Well I didn't know as well but my parent introduced him to me as my elder brother. I was really shocked because I don't remember a thing about him"

"But did you ask your parents?"

Amelia shook her head sadly as she remembered how they bluntly lied to her "yeah I asked them and they explained that I probably didn't remember him because he wasn't always around" thinking back to their excuse just made her realize how lame it really was "i think they are hiding something from me ana"

Eliana sighed "maybe they are telling the truth and if you don't trust them, then why don't you ask your brother himself. Maybe he can clear things up"

It was a good idea but the very thought scared her. Being in his presence was already frighting not to mention interrogating him.

What if she said the wrong thing and he hit her.

She quickly shook the thought out of her head, wondering why she thought of that in the first place.

He seem like a nice guy so why all this strange feelings.

"Lia, you still there?" Eliana's voice broke her thoughts and she heaved a sigh.

"Sorry ana I spaced out. I don't think asking him questions is a good idea"

"But why not?" Her voice grew curious and yet concern as she asked "is he being mean to you"

"No but..." Amelia trailed off not knowing if she should tell this to Eliana. She didn't want to sound crazy. I mean who gets scared of a nice guy they just met.

"You can tell me lia" Eliana urged softly.

Amelia gulp. She trusted her friend and she knew Eliana would always give her the best advice but she couldn't help but think that her feelings were ridiculous.

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now