Chapter 27

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The past two weeks has been peaceful for Andrew. Francis kept his distance and rarely even attends classes. Kaitlin kept to herself but the constant smirks she threw his way whenever they cross paths was quite suspicious. but he didn't pay any attention to it anyway.

Erin decided to leave the country with her farmily and although it saddened Dave, he was able to get over it. and also his relationship with Quinn and his sister was perfect but he was oblivious to the fact that all his days of happiness were soon coming to an end.

The past two weeks has been horrible for Amelia. the nightmare were getting worse and in each of them, Andrew was hurting her. It terrified her so much because it felt so real. the trust she finally learned to feel for Andrew was slowly fading away to be replaced by the fear she tried so hard to get rid of.

What scared Amelia the most was the possibilities of her dreams being memories. She couldn't bring herself to accept that Andrew could hurt her. he was very nice to her and he is her brother. No brother could hurt his own sister like that; it has to be a nightmare and nothing more.

Amelia tried to convince herself about this but each time, a more horrible nightmare surface and Once again she found herself acting distant with Andrew and everyone else because her mind was clouded with confusion. She didn't want her nightmares to be memories but deep down she could feel that they might be and she choose to ignore the possibility because she had faith in Dave; He had said it was suicide and she knew he wouldn't lie to her.

Dave however noticed her distant attitude and he was worried "lia are you okay?" He asked in concern as they walked down the hallway together heading for the cafateria. She hadn't said a word throughout the day and he was getting worried.

Amelia turn to look at Dave and stared deep into Dave's eyes. those beautiful sea of green she had come to love so much.

but as she stared, something flickered in her memory.

she could see those same eyes staring straight at her in tears as she went down the school rooftop.

and then Andrew and Francis face flash in her memory as they both also stood at the edge with their hands streght out to her already falling figure.

She gasps and stumbled back in horror at the memory.

they... they were there when it happened, they... they were all there when she fell?

but that couldn't be possibile; she was suppose to have commited suicide. that... that can't be real.

"Lia are you sure you're okay. you seem pale" Dave said in concern but Amelia's mind was far away.

"don't you ever call me that" Andrew's voice rang in her head as a picture of him slaping her across the cheeks flash in her mind.

"you're just a disgusting freak. you're no sister of mine"

" pigs like you deserve to be in the mud"

"you're disgusting Amelia; you're worthless"

"NO!" Amelia screamed holding her head in her hands in hopes of geting rid of his voice.

"lia calm down. what's wrong?" Dave's concerned voice brought her back to reality and she notice that he was holding her by the arm and staring at her worriedly.

As fast as a bullet, she pulled her arm away from him and without saying a word, she raced out of his sight ignoring his worried calls after her.

Amelia was shaking as she sat on one of the sits in the empty classroom. Tears were running down her eyes and her heart was beating fast in panic.

"no" she muttered lowly to hereslf "it can't be real; it isn't real" but no matter how much she tried to convince herself. she knew that this time, there were memories. it wasn't a dream. Andrew had really done all those horrible things to her.

"well, well. look who it is" A nasty voice spoke up drawing her out of panic and as expected there stood Kaitlin smirking at her with her arms folded as she stared at Amelia's shaky form.

Amelia didn't know how she got here but at that moment, she didn't care. She had her our problems to worry about.

she quickly wipe the tears from her eyes and manage to keep her voice straight "what do you want?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you privatly for a while now but sadly I couldn't; cause your brother and that boyfriend of yours are always around you all the time. it's annoying" she expressesed with a scrowl on her face. "but anyway I finally got you alone so we can have the talk I've been waiting for"

"What are you talking about. talk about what?" Amelia asked her confused.

"you know Amelia I thought you were really faking your amnesia" she began with a fake sad smile "but seeing the way you are now treating your beloved older brother, it seems like I was wrong" Amelia didn't respond; she didn't have the slightest idea of what Kaitlin was saying and Kaitlin must have noticed her confused look because she went on "everyone is keeping the truth from you Amelia and I as a kind person can't stand still and watch you get deceived so I'm going to tell you everything that happened. To be more specific, I'm going to tell you the reason you fell down the rooftop. The real reason and not the bullshit story everyone have been feeding you"

Amelia was stunned. she really didn't expect Kaitlin to tell her anything. she didn't tust Kitlin one bit and she knew the girl must have another motive behind her reason for wanting to tell her the truth. and again she wasn't even sure if she wanted to know what happened anymore. What if Kaitlin confirms her fears but right now she needed the truth and maybe Kaitlin was the only one who would tell her what she really wanted to know.

The people she trusted were all lieing to her; her memories were enough prove that; she needed to know more and Kaitlin will be the one to tell her all that she needed to know.

she pushed down her fears and stared at Kaitlin straight in the eye.

"go ahead. I want to know the truth"

Here comes the storm. Who's excited?

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A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora