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"Something is not right." Hanako looked at Kou and Yashiro suspiciously as they cleaned. (Name) had been busy doing something else, so she hadn't arrived yet.

Yashiro squinted at him.

"Huh?" Kou asked.

"What do you mean?" Yashiro asked.

"Don't pretend that you don't know!" Hanako pulled out the Summer Festival advertisement paper. "Look at this!! Thisss! Right here!! You two are going? Just the two of you? You're gonna wear a yukata and stuff aren't you? You're gonna hold hands in the crowd!!"

"Not exactly.." Kou mumbled. "You act like you and (Name) haven't kissed already.."

"That's different!" Hanako yelled. "We're ghosts and very mature! You dirty minded pervert! But Me and (Surname)-chan are earth bound spirits! We can't go to festivals outside.."

"What do you want us to do about it?" Kou asked.

Yashiro went over to the whining ghost. "Hey Hanako-kun. You know I invited Kou-kun to the festival to cheer him up! And you know festivals only happen outside of school. This will be a good time for you and (Surname)-chan to be alone together! I'll bring you guys a souvenir."

"But hanging out at school isn't all that fun for a date..." Hanako muttered.

Kou, who'd been eavesdropping, cut into the conversation. "You're gonna take (Name) out on a date?!"

"I mean... we haven't really hung out recently... and she told me we could hang out later so..." Hanako's eyes suddenly brightened. "Thats it! We'll all go to a festival here. Like a double date!"

"Huh?" Kou and Yashiro asked.

"On the night of July 7th... let's all meet at the Misaki stairs."

• • •

"Festival, huh..." (Name) muttered. Hanako had told (Name) they were having a double date with Yashiro and Kou, but refused to tell her where.

Everyone stood in front of the Misaki stairs. Yako was luckily in a good mood and wanted to go to the festival as well, so she led them to the place they needed to go.

"Well, us girls have some things to prepare," Yako said. She shoved the two boys into the mirror and they disappeared inside.

The two of them stumbled through the mirror. Kou gawked at the sight in front of him. "Woah!" he exclaimed. "But I thought there were only domains for each of the seven mysteries!"

"There's a lot of different area that doesn't have an owner," Hanako said, sitting on a tree branch. "It's a bit disorganized though."

"So this is that area's festival..." Kou muttered.

"It's the Tanbata star festival." Hanako jumped off the tree branch and stood by Kou. "Oh, kid, hold on a second."

"Huh?" Kou asked.

Hanako held up a triangular shaped item. "Tada! Heavens crown."

"Oy... it's that..." Kou eyed the item suspiciously.

"Yup. The crown worn by dead people. Since all of the participants and organizers are spirits, if they find out there are humans here, it might cause problems." Hanako placed the crown onto Kou's head. "That's why you're gonna pretend to be a spirit."

moonlight ; hanako x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now