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When the two do them first became bounded, Hanako had told Yashiro he'd been wanting a human assistant. Yashiro, being naive, thought it wouldn't be as bad as it was. She was obviously mistaken.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san." Yashiro began to beg and plead that Hanako would have a bit of mercy. "Will you please let me go home for the day?"

Hanako smiled and gestured an "X" with his arms. "Not yet!"

Yashiro wasn't the only one who was forced to stay in the bathrooms against her will. Due to her not wanting to be alone with Hanako, she dragged (Name) along with her. But to Yashiro's disappointment, Hanako simply wouldn't let (Name) help clean any toilets.

"Just today!" Yashiro pleaded. "Just for today, I promise!"

"Nope!" Hanako said, holding a mop. "I have a very important job I want you to do when you're finished. So I need you to hurry up!"

(Name) walked over to Hanako, leaning closer to him. "I can take Yashiro's place. C'mon, just let her go."

Hanako hesitated and studied (Name) but continued to stand firm with his opinion. "I've told you already. If you didn't do anything wrong, you shouldn't have to be punished."

(Name) stared at him motionlessly but Hanako innocently grinned and went back to what he was doing before.

"I've been your assistant for a week," Yashiro told Hanako. "I clean, clean, and clean more bathrooms from the second school ends until they kick us off of school grounds. I've cleaned almost all of the bathrooms in the school." Yashiro grabbed Hanako by the shoulders and shook him. "I'm in the prime of my youth! And I finally have a chance!"

"Chance?" Hanako asked.

"A boy asked me out on a date!" Yashiro said, happily. "Fuji-kun, the hottest guy in me and (Name)'s class! And this'll be our second date! We had a small rendezvous in the classroom at dusk when no one was around!"

"A date?" (Name) asked, gently grabbing Yashiro's hand. "Good for you, Nene-chan. I hope you have fun~"

"So what'll you be doing on this date?" Hanako asked. "Something dirty?"

"You really wanna know?" Yashiro asked. "Well, if you insist. We're going to an empty classroom to organize papers for the student council!"

As Yashiro went to face the wall, Hanako and (Name) shared a similar look.

"That Fuji-kun," Yashiro said. "First he asks me out, then he disappears. He's so bashful."

"He just sounds like a jerk to me..." (Name) murmured.

"What exactly are you gonna be rendezvousing with, Yashiro?" Hanako asked. "Papers?"

"I don't care!" Yashiro yelled. "I may just be his doormat now, but our relationship will grow!"

"Boy, you're optimistic. But I'm pretty sure he's just using you. C'mon, choose me instead. I'll treat you way better than that guy." Hanako wrapped his arms around Yashiro, causing (Name) to get that familiar feeling from the day before. She didn't even fully understand why. Her crush on Hanako... was simply a thing from the past.

And yet, the feeling that she felt faded away once she noticed that Hanako had been giving Yashiro a mop. Yashiro stood up, pushed Hanako away, and walked towards (Name). "Hanako-san, if it's between cleaning toilets with you or organizing papers by myself, I'll take the paper work."

moonlight ; hanako x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now