two | exchanges between the girls

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As slightly promised, Ivy did end up coming back, after spending more than enough hours skipping the few periods she had left of the day with Luca. Throughout this minimal time, the blonde couldn't help but have Ms Valentine at the back of her mind.

No matter how hard she tried to pull away, she admired her in some sort of way, maybe as a play toy, maybe something else. Yet she was always drawn back in, how she spoke in a delicate manner, almost sophisticated.

"So you did come." Ms Valentine spoke from the front of the awfully empty classroom, her voice echoing through the walls that surrounded them.

The blonde scoffed. "Did I have a choice?" She placed herself near the front of the classroom to where her teacher had already assigned her for the hour. "No luck finding my name?"

Looking up from her computer, the woman dryly laughed at the student in front of her. "You know you could just tell me instead of acting like a child, right?"

"Now that takes out all the fun though, don't you think?" Ivy addressed, her head tilting, however then hearing a light scoff. As she saw her slight frustration, she decided against her little statement. "Because I'm your favourite student... I'll let you suffer for a little longer." The young girl exhaled, then gaining a small grin from the woman. "What's with the smile?"

The older woman then moved to behind her desk, getting a rather better glimpse of the girl. Her orbs darkened for a few seconds, then retreating back to a softened fashion. "You just adore pissing people off don't you?" She tilted her head once again, studying the girl's manners and figure overall.

With Ivy's eyes glued to the embodiment in front of her. The blonde's eyes drifted to the woman's full lips, before her figure, then once more to her eyes. "Language Ms Valentine." Ivy tsked her teacher realising her mistake in her observance when the woman raised cocked her brow.

"I still stand to what I say. There's nothing wrong with an opinion." Ms Valentine informed, crossing her legs, confused about why a knot deepened by the minute.

Noticing such a simple movement, the student slowly stepped forward, seizing the moment to humiliate the woman. "Is that so?" The blonde hummed, inching closer and closer.

With Ms Valentine's heart racing out of her chest, suddenly her smart remarks were replaced with pathetic comments, "I don't see why not." She could feel the tension between the two, instead of wishing it to stop, she somewhat wanted it to continue.

"Nervous are we?" Ivy chuckled after backing away, displaying a cruel smile, "What a pity."

Making her way towards the door, she began walking away after she heard her teacher sigh heavily. Once she reached the doors she finally looked behind and called out to her professor. "It's Vee." She spoke, already seeing another nervous smile before she closed the door after half an hour passed.

Regaining her posture, Ms Valentine was left alone in her classroom. "... Shit. The woman cursed, re-living the moment that had just passed between the two. Her knot in her stomach soon disappearing after the absence of the student in her class.

• • •

Clouds forming, and the feeling of heavy water drizzling from above, Ivy found herself straying away from common sense. She still had to go home, so why not have some fun while she's at it.

Going her normal way, her skateboard gliding across the smooth pavement, she could feel the rain seeping through her clothes yet she didn't mind. She was lost in a world she knew little of, a world where she could relax at times like these.

Ivy's smile widened at the freedom she felt, her lungs breathed in the air around her as she could feel the raindrops falling down the sides of her face. The sound of the rain crashing onto the pavement was like music to her ears, it was strangely calming.

"Jesus, what are you doing in the rain?" A womanly voice spoke from a distance, Ivy turned to see a car slowly driving beside the girl, a familiar figure driving it.

 The girl recognised it as no other than Ms Valentine, her hair was slightly soaked and her face displayed a concerned look. "Isn't it obvious? I'm going home."

"In the rain?" Ms Valentine questioned, receiving an obvious 'duh' look from the girl. "Yeah, no. Get in." She instructed, now having little patience for the girl's mischief.

"Look Ms Valentine, I'm completely capable of-"

 The woman demanded this time, leaving no room for protest. "-Get in, now." She glared at the girl, sensing some sort of judgment from the way she sighed before coming into the car, rather forced.

"Remind me again why I'm here." Ivy mocked, facing her teacher's way in confusion.

Still keeping her eyes on the road, Ms Valentine answered. "You're soaking wet and you're skating home in the rain. Don't see a problem?"

The blonde looked away from the woman, glaring outside the window. "Not at all." She replied sarcastically. "Take a right then I'm the second one from the left."

Shortly, Ivy was at her home, although she was completely capable of skating back, she still appreciated her teacher. "You live here?"

"Is there a problem?" Ivy questioned, already getting out of the car.

The woman stuttered, "N-not at all. I just... Nevermind." 

Ivy paused for a second, confused about why she stuttered in the first place. "Thanks. I guess."

And with that, the girl shut the door, closing the only thing separating the two women from each other. Ms Valentine watched as she sprung open the doors of the hotel lobby, then proceeded to go into the valet parking.

• • •

A.N - okay I changed Julia Bonde as Ivy's sister cause I wasn't bothered to involve any parentals just yet in the story.

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