four | a cliché encounter

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An agonizingly painful few days had passed, making it the afternoon of a thankful Friday. After a few days of being a TA, Ivy absolutely despised it. Her many free periods were spent using the little brain power she had left of the day planning future lessons, marking stupid assessments and making up quizzes she didn't even understand at some level.

She learnt the very basics of what teachers had to go through on a daily basis, and it drained her. Even these days were spent quietly suffering, Ivy still had chances to push Ms Valentine to the limit, however, she never pushed her off the edge, she kept it for a future cause.

"You're free to go." Ms Valentine dismissed, opening the doors in a hurried manner. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had minimal makeup on, she still had looked as perfect as she always was.

The girl's head sprang up in joy. "God really does exist." She praised, standing up and putting her bag on her back in one swift motion. "Wait, you never release me this early, what's the catch?"

Ms Valentine scoffed. "There is no catch, but if you count your ass out of my office then yes." The woman had seen the girl's infamous eye roll, it slightly bothered her each time she did it without shame. "I've got my first shift at a new job, and I don't want to disappoint."

"Well look at you being so organising." Ivy smiled sarcastically, ignoring the woman's attempt to upset the girl. "Wouldn't want you to disappoint." She mocked, her legs walking her towards the door. 

"Yeah, sure you don't." The woman huffed, closing the door behind her as her eyes gazed at the girl you walked confidently to her own car. "Goodbye, Ms Bonde."

A hand risen was the only sign of goodbye, no voice to follow.

With the few days that passed, having the girl so close but with a desk separating each other, Ms Valentine found herself creating conversations between them in an effort to pass time, or her intention to know the brat on a friendly level.

Although she never got to know her full name, she was stuck with her last name, 'Bonde'. Ms Valentine learned that her parents were divorced and in another country, Ivy tended to lean on her father's side more than her mother's for more personal reasons she didn't feel was appropriate to share.

Ivy was an intriguing girl for Ms Valentine. Although she put up such a guarded front, she knew that behind her walls, was a girl that she forgot about, a girl she decided to leave behind. She could tell the blonde had a history in the school walls from the way the students looked at her, their eyes filled with admiration, envy, lust or empathy.

However, on her own, Ms Valentine found out that she was on the cheerleading team along with Luca, a girl she also taught in her 'English II' class. At a distance, the brunette watched as she did many flips, layouts or dangerous stunts, and each time she looked up, she saw a smile on her face, an almost genuine one.

The blonde was filled with mystery, and Ms Valentine was digging herself a larger hole than she expected.

• • •

"Vee! you made it." Julia yelled over the music, hugging her sister dearly as she unlocked her hands from her boyfriend's.

Ivy reciprocated the hug instantly, Julia was one of the few people she could feel open with, "How could I miss it for the birthday boy." She answered, looking over to where Kevin stood, his ruffled hair that was home to a 'birthday boy' little hat. 

"Ouch, and here I thought you loved me." The older Bonde pouted, crossing her arms like a little child throwing a tantrum.

"I'll love you if you let me have a drink from the bar, I think I saw Sage there." Ivy suggested, forming a deal between the two. She looked at Julia with a challenging yet playful glare, hoping she'd say yes like she always did for her.

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