twenty two | lasting moment

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A/N - ngl this is my favourite chapter. 

England's weather had its down moments, however, still, Ivy willingly came back in time for the annual carnival that was exited most of the townsfolk, enough at least for the adults to join. After her graduation, she had decided in taking a gap year before being sent to college - which entirely bummed her out either way - to her, it almost felt like an obligation rather than a choice.

During her high school years, she barely thought about her future, even to this moment, she had no clue in her majors or whether or not she'd genuinely attend college. She knew her time was limited, but I guess she always liked the feeling of being pressured.

Moving back to Arizona was done easier than expected, for she linked back with her original friends and family, except her mother of course - her opinion on her parental still never changed. Though she cringed at the mental image of leaving Julia, she knew it had to be done.

As the months passed, she also grew to understand why Blake left. It was selfish of her to even fight for something that couldn't be saved. And now she knew that.

It took some time, however, she reached a point in time where she overlooked her behaviour and improved it, keeping her key traits the same and changing the way she approached situations. 

She came back to England for the last two months she had left for her gap year, ironically, she came to England the day she left for Arizona last year. Her memories that belonged in the airport rushed over her, a series of moments she wanted to last forever, and yet, was burnt into her mind.

- Flashback -

There she sat patiently, her hands beside her as she watched countless people walk past her, some held hands, and others clinging to their partner's waist adoringly. Days had passed since her previous encounter with her ex lover - and without a word, she accepted her father's request in travelling back to Arizona.

It hurt to see the familiar setting disappear with the rest of her memories in England, the memories she chose to keep replaying in her mind as she waited for the gate to open. Her father had disappeared in the midst of the crowd, buying a few last items as a souvenir.

With that, she was alone in a crowded sea of bodies who all minded their business, either looking towards the army of planes which was placed outside or buried amongst their phone credentials.

Minutes passing and the time limit nearing, she started to grow worried in her father's absence. Ivy began to stand up before being intoxicated with the recognisable smell she grew to know.  Confusingly, the blonde looked around the spacious area only to lock eyes with another.

Blake Valentine.

Her hooded eyes blinked as they scanned the figure's frame once more just to realise that this wasn't a figure of her imagination -  she came back. The anger she believed she showed was no longer there, for it was replaced with tears that she didn't know she had left to shed. 

Walking forward, she met her lover looking back at her with a bouquet of flowers set in her hands. With her hands wrapped around her neck, she quietly sobbed into the jumper she wore, slightly dampening the fabric and she still couldn't believe who stood before her.

"How'd you-"

"-I managed to talk to your father a few days after our fight." Blake murmured, fingers raking through the blonde's hair. "I didn't want your last memory of us to be like that."

Pulling back, Ivy had gazed into Blake's orbs, searching for some immorality or any lie in what she had been told, however failing to do so. Instead, Blake gazed back adoringly in the teenager's eyes, tucking a lone strand behind her ear as she continued.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I just wanted you to understand why we couldn't do this." Blake mumbled into the girl's hair, her voice slightly muffled

With each word, Ivy accepted all of it. She knew she couldn't mend things enough for things to go back to the way things were before. But she knew if she tried enough, she'd be okay knowing that they ended things in a more loving manner.

"I know you did." Ivy whimpered, her hands gliding back to her side as she wiped the tears blurring her vision. "And I'm sorry."

Pulling back, Blake gave a sympathetic look to Ivy. "For what?"

"For being so reckless. I should've been more careful with who I tell."

"Ives," Now, Blake cupped Ivy's face, her face fell into her palms as she relished this lasting moment. "... Being with you wasn't reckless, if anything, it was worth the heartache."

Even at this moment, Ivy cracked a sheepish smile whilst rolling her eyes. "Still as corny as ever."

"What can I say? I'm a fool for romance." Blake shrugged, also sharing a sheepish smile as she looked at the girl she cradled in her embrace.

Footsteps approaching, Ivy recognised it as her father's, and yet she still didn't pull away, if anything, she held onto her tighter. Her desperation in Blake's touch made her weak, and really, she didn't care.

The woman near the gate announced the plane's departure soon - meaning that Ivy's time in England was officially over.

"Mr Bonde." Blake spoke, wiping the lone tear that escaped down her cheek as her arms glided back down to her own body. She backed away from his daughter as she acknowledged his presence. "Thank you for letting me come."

He nodded. Paolo had turned to his daughter. "I'll give you a moment." He finished as he walked off with the remaining luggage.

Ivy had responded with a small smile before she turned her attention to the woman who stood before her once again. "Don't forget about me?"

"I never could." Blake responded almost defensively, embracing her once more. "...I'll miss you, you know?"

"... I love you." Ivy spoke quietly, listening to Blake's heart rapidly beat as she leaned against her chest.

"I know you do, Ives." Blake returned lovingly. Letting go of the girl she secretly loved. Her presence slowly disappeared through the door, and with each step, Blake felt as if a part of her was missing. 

Though Ivy didn't hear the three words, she knew Blake loved her anyways.

• • • • • •

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