five | morals killed the mood

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The night consisted of many attempts of sobering Jules, she was a party animal, too much for her own good. Though she was sensible when sobered, when drunk she was known for the drastic actions she did, like stripping or even grinding on each guy who breathed.

Knowing this, Ivy did her best to withdraw from her side of drinks and help Julia not get a hangover, even if it was tempting to let her suffer miserably. On the other hand, Kevin also did the same, forcing water down the older girl's throat alongside his, even if he was a drunk, he still had his common sense even if it was hanging by a thread.

Although Ivy would've loved it, women were pestering her from her objective. She didn't care about them, all she cared about was taking care of Jules and Kevin, they would've done the same to her she believed.

"Is the player not satisfied with the women here?" Blake said as she cleaned shot glasses, keeping her eyes focused on her cup rather than the girl.

Ivy rolled her eyes at her statement, she knew letting Jules get drunk was a bad idea. "Ahaha, funny." She dryly spoke, her eyes wandering to Kevin holding Jules' body from falling again.

"How's your sister?" The older woman asked, changing the subject once she sensed Ivy's uneasy presence.

"Is Ms Valentine showing emotion?" Ivy gasped dramatically, locking eyes with the woman in front of her. 

"Mhm, apparently." Blake mumbled, her mind racing with thoughts she couldn't bear to think of right now. "Considering you know my name, why aren't you using it."

"Why so defensive, does Ms Valentine hit a string?"The blonde whispered cruelly, her lips forming into a sly smirk that Blake despised. 

With no boundaries set, Ivy was free to do anything to Blake, no longer in school means her limits are over-stretched and publicity was even more dangerous, it made her feel more outspoken, even entitled to pester Blake in all sorts of ways.

She must admit, she knew little of manners and politeness, she believed respect was earned, and trust was gained.

"You should drink some water, you're tipsy." Blake addressed, worried that her nature would get the best of her. She promised herself she wouldn't cross the line, especially with someone who was her student.

Constant teasing and pestering was one thing, flirting was another but physical affection was over the edge. Blake wouldn't risk her job for a student who couldn't control their mouths nor hormones. She wasn't the type to, nor will she ever, she believed. Her morals and principles were set straight.

"Getting rid of me already, Ms Valentine, too shy to make a move?" Ivy questioned, her motives unclear and yet her eyes were filled with temptation. Her smile was sinister and her outfit of choice was too alluring not to look at.

No one in their right mind wouldn't have passed the chance to not shoot their shot with a girl like Ivy, so why didn't she have someone wrapped around her finger. The truth was, Ivy was too broken to find another, so she covered up her pain with pleasure and alcohol, though it numbed her, it never lasted as long as she wished.

"Ivy." The woman warned, her voice coarse and raspy. Though her eyes were dilated, she had a conscious to please, and what it wanted was boundaries before anything her heart wanted. 

The younger girl internally smiled at the effect she had on the woman, her small remarks were enough to push her to the limit, a boundary she wanted to know when crossed. "I know you want me, Blake." She answered with a hint of carelessness in her voice.

"There's only so much patience I have for you, kid." There was a tint of desperation in her voice, there was a part of Blake where she wanted the girl to stop for both their sakes, but the other half wanted her to fall into her nature, a possessive and only hers nature.

"You'll see. Let go and we'll learn from there." Ivy leaned in, whispering in the woman's ear, her the only thing stopping her from what she wanted to do was time, she wanted Blake to realise that her morals didn't have to restrict her, but that all will come in time.

With their lips a few inches apart, Ivy smiled to herself, the goal was completed, now all she had to do was wait for her to give in.

"Goodbye, Ms Valentine, until next time." The girl waved off, leaving the woman hexed by her beauty and courage. Her body softened, now feeling the lost presence beside her, thus bringing the woman back to her senses.

"You." Ivy pointed as she walked towards her sister that currently had her shirt off, Kevin being awfully shy and not knowing what to do in this situation. "Jules, your drunk and almost naked, let's get you home."

"Noooooo, me l-like vodkaaa." She slurred, her breath prominent with the stench of alcohol. "K-kev, tell herrr." She turned to her boyfriend helpless.

He only shrugged nervously. "Babe, we gotta go." In return, he had an earful of childly groans from his girlfriend.

"Just toss her on your shoulder and lay her down at the back, I'll drive her home." Ivy instructed as Kevin obeyed, the three, well two; minus the drunk, walked out of the bar. The stench of alcohol and sex were lost in the wind, now the scent of the well-missed air was inhaled by all three.

"Are you sure? I'll drive you two home if you're tired." Kevin suggested nicely, worried for two's safety genuinely.

Ivy appreciated how nice Kevin was, though she turned him down. "We're alright, you just get home safe."

Kevin and Ivy had already bid their goodbyes while Jules just mumbled words to her boyfriend before she passed out in the back. The drive was peaceful, Ivy had nothing to worry about other than her sister throwing up in her car, but other than that, everything was set in place, all she had to have was patience for the woman she was waiting for.

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