sixteen | you're a screw-up

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Currently, Ivy wasn't thrilled about being caught, nonetheless by the principal. She didn't understand how anyone would know where she was, but at this point, it didn't matter.

Her words would surely be turned against her no matter how often she'd try and weasel her way out of the major consequences that would come, especially when she was caught in the act of vandalism.

With the door shutting, she began to take her invited seat directly in front of the desk that displayed a metal nameplate and a small picture frame of what looked like a family picture. Seated next to her was her sister, and in front of Ivy was, of course, Principal Davis.

Similar to all the previous face-to-face outcomes of Ivy's troubles, an angered Julia that was forced to come to the rescue, despite the many times she had reasoned with Ivy and how she should behave at her age.

"Ms Bonde, I'm sure by now you understand what Ivy has done." The principal began, her arms relaxing on the table in front of her as she sat comfortably on her chair. "And the damage she's caused."

"Loud and clear" Julia gritted through her teeth, trying to keep her composure, side-eyeing Ivy to notice she sunk into her seat further as she felt a glare upon her. "What can she do to fix this?"

"Me?" Ivy remarked, however shutting her mouth when four eyes were laid upon her angrily.

"May I ask the consequences she'll face?" Julia huffed, embarrassed by her sister's actions.

"Suspension at the most, however, I'm thinking of after school community service." Principal Davis announced in an authoritative manner, no words spoken with false leads or information.

Mentally slapping herself, Ivy spoke. "I'd rather suspension than community service."

Ignoring Ivy, her sister had responded. "I think it's best if she did community service, she could use that time to.. reflect on her actions as she cleans up her mess." Each word was spat with venom from Julia, and each word she had meant.

Closing her eyes for just one moment, Ivy sunk into another reality in which she always dreamed of, an existence where she was never reckless or troubled, a version of herself she strayed from as she lost her morals and dreams along the way.

The way she thought of herself had changed dramatically, she was no longer that pure child that knew only of family and friends. Now she was a person who falls in love with the wrong people and disappoints her lasting family.

"You're after school service starts tomorrow. I'll assign a teacher to watch over you, and make sure you attend these or I'll have no choice but to expel you for your actions." The woman explained.

"Thank you, Principal Davis." Julia smiled fakely as she self dismissed themselves from the woman's office.

Walking out towards the exit, tension filled the air once more, too thick for it to go unnoticed.

"Julia I-"

"-Don't even start with me. I don't have time for this." Julia sighed, her eyes trained on anything but her little sister.

"What, you don't have time for me-" Ivy remarked defensively as the two roamed the halls towards the parking lot.

"-Yes, I'm tired of your bullshit!" Julia yelled, hands balled into a fist as she turned around to face her sister, stopping in front of her car. 

Scoffing from her response, Ivy had rolled her eyes. "Why are you so pissed about this? I've done worse things, Jules-"

"-That doesn't matter Ivy! You said you changed, but fucking haven't. You're still the same screw up after we left mum and dad." Julia confronted as she barely recognised her sister. 

"For Christ's sake, you're even fucking my employee." Julia mumbled.

Taken back, Ivy looked at Julia confused. "What?"

"Nothing." The older blonde muttered under her breath, hands clutching the side of her car for support. "I have to get back to work. Don't wait up for me."

And with that, Julia got into her car and eventually left Ivy in the parking lot, confused and somewhat regretful for what she did. She never intended for this to happen, neither for Julia to be so mad at her.

However, she believed things happen for a reason, and she hoped just this once, someone was on her side.

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