twelve | cutt short

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After the little scene in the private pool, the evening was spent warming up next to the fireplace before Ivy gave Blake spare clothes for her to wear for the duration of the night.

Ivy's back leaned against Blake's front, the older woman's hands played with the blonde's hair as the movie played in front of them.

Distantly, Ivy paid little attention to the TV, her mind was elsewhere. Instead of the movie, she pictured the kisses they shared in the pool and what Blake made Ivy feel. Consequently, Ivy began to feel more attached to the woman, and she didn't know if that was a bad thing or not.

It was the moments of passion that Ivy decided to hold onto, she removed their previous fight and focused on the present, no longer lingering any sense of grudges she normally held onto.

"What're you thinking about, you look distant." Blake asked softly as she lowered down the volume, her hands then resuming their rhythm in Ivy's hair.

"You." Ivy muttered in reply shyly and slightly embarrassed.

Slightly intrigued, Blake decided to push further. "Enlighten me."

Ivy groaned in displeasure, it wasn't her nature to be so hooked on someone, but apparently, Blake was an exception. She repositioned herself so she'd face her teacher, her hands laying on the pit of the woman's stomach playing with the loose fabric as she didn't make eye contact. "Would you possibly be interested in going on a date?"

Blake smiled down at her shyness and inability to look her in the eyes. She also found herself gravitating dangerously towards the girl even more. "I thought you said you wanted to take this slow?"

In response, Ivy rolled her eyes and her shyness began to fade as confidence emerged in its absence. "All I said was that I'd keep up with you, I never said anything about taking this slow."

As she finished, she dipped her fingers below the woman's shirt, her hands resting on the bare side of Blake's hip, never exploring elsewhere.

"Keep on rolling your eyes and they'll get stuck." Blake said unbothered by Ivy's hand placement, her teacher voice rising from her softness.

Ironically, Ivy rolled her eyes once more at the attempt of addressing her rude behaviour. Blake's coarse voice somewhat made Ivy feel more edged for more discipline. "Are you up for trying, Ms Valentine?"

In return, Blake mumbled something under her breath, audible for only her to hear as her smile turned sour.

"I couldn't hear you." Ivy taunted further, her eyes glistening with marks of mockery and mischief as her fingers moved to the pit of her stomach. "Speak up, love."

Her voice was barely audible yet so domineering. "You're walking on thin ice, Ivy."  Blake responded.

Liking the sound of demand and trouble, Ivy leaned closer towards the woman's lips and whispered a few words. "Do you like your name on my lips?"

Silence fell upon them as they both saw the temptation and desire consume their orbs, leisurely replacing the gentleness. As Ivy's breath remained calmed, Blake's began to slightly quicken as the girl's hands wandered downwards, her slightly cold fingertips sending a ripple effect throughout the woman's body.

Only a few inches away, Blake's lips twitched with desire and her hips bucked in anticipation. Ivy on the other hand loved the power she had, she controlled the situation like she normally did, but of course, something else had control of this scene.

A slightly faint ringtone echoed beneath the blanket as a bright screen glowed through the slightly opaque fabric. Her hands retreating from Blake's skin, Ivy pulled away with a sly smirk written on her face as she answered her call.

With Jules on the phone, Ivy's brows began to crease at the news of her incoming presence. The call ended shortly as Jules explained she was coming home shortly, therefore meaning her little bonding time with Ms Valentine was now expired.

"Jules is coming home," Ivy informed as her head laid flat on Blake's chest as if nothing happened beforehand. "I'll walk you out in a minute."

Realistically, they needed more than a minute. Ivy kept on whining for Blake to stay even if it made her look pathetic or needy in some instances. "Five more minutes."

"You said that ten minutes ago." Blake laughed as she picked up her damp clothes from the countertop closest to her. "Your sister might see us."

Ivy let out a childish groan as she pulled Blake by the waist and into her arms.

"Never pegged you for the clingy type." The older woman retorted as she reciprocated the goodbye hug. "You'll see me tomorrow, Ivy."

Again, she groaned and hesitantly, she let go. "Fine. Get out." Ivy playfully pouted.

Naturally, Blake kissed her goodbye before she disappeared through the doorway, leaving Ivy hypnotised by her figure even further. Closing the door, Ivy couldn't help but think of Blake the minute she left.

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