nineteen | truth be told

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To say that Ivy was tired would be an understatement. The feelings she felt the night prior would be unrecognisable to the other women she's slept with. She'd smiled crookedly whenever her mind flashed to what she did with Blake. As bad as it seemed to people from an outside perspective, to her, it was perfect.

Even if she couldn't wake up to the sight of her lover sleeping peacefully, she didn't care. Blake had left before she had awakened from her sleep, however, she wrote a note beside the bedside table.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I'm sorry I couldn't stay long enough to wake up with you, but thank you for this, it helped me see what our relationship meant to you. 

You're no longer a kid anymore, and I know that, so it's time to start treating you like one. Could you come to mine later in your free period tomorrow? I'd like to get something off my chest.

Kind regards, B | V

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The blonde couldn't help but feel strange about the last paragraph written to her, it ruined that feeling she woke up with, and she didn't like that impression. Though she read it with a smile, she ended with a furrowed brow and a fixated look as if she did something wrong.

| The following day |

It was already her free period, and Ivy didn't want to make Blake wait much longer, so she had lazily found her way to the woman's classroom before she would grow impatient.

Roaming the deserted halls, she searched for her room until she finally stopped in front of her door, absentmindedly scruffling down her jumper to somehow make her feel more presentable, though dressed as she normally did whenever she'd be with Blake.

Hesitantly, she lightly knocked, only to hear a soft voice she recognised. "Come in."

Closing the door, Ivy's gazed automatically found Blake's as she sat behind her desk, her fingers leaving her keyboard as she gave Ivy her undivided attention. 

"You wanted to see me?" Ivy spoke first, cautious in where to step as she felt an uneasy tension in the silent room.

The young Valentine saw the nervousness in the teenager, and it didn't help when she realised the possibilities in how her lover would take her confession. "Yeah, I did. I just wanted to tell you something that I've kept a secret from you."

"Blake, you're obligated in having your own secrets, it's normal." Ivy sighed, rolling her eyes as she smiled lightly.

"No, it's not like that for me." Blake retorted as Ivy stood by her desk, holding her hands to calm her down. "... I'm the reason why you got caught."

Taking this as a joke, Ivy laughed. "Stop joking around and tell me."

"Luca came to me after the phone call we had. She knew about us, Ivy." The woman whispered, her gaze fixated on anything else besides Ivy. "She knew where you'd be, and she wanted me to call you in."

Ivy waited for some sort of reason not to believe Blake, a woman of the truth. However she found nothing, instead, she was met with glistened eyes that aimed for forgiveness. "I don't understand. When I told her about us, she seemed fine, I-"

Distracted by her own mixed emotions, Ivy had let go of Blake's hands, raking her digits through her hair as she backed away from her lover in a midst of her confusion. All the trust she had put in her friend suddenly meant nothing to Luca - and now, she couldn't accept it.

"I know Luca. She wouldn't do something like that unless she had a reason." Ivy ranted just above a whisper.

"Ivy, I would never lie to you. Nor put our relationship on the line all for some vendetta against your friend, okay? You have to trust me on this, please." Grappling onto her lover, Blake had wrapped her arms around Ivy, embracing her as she stood silently, contemplating who to trust. "I promise you that, Ivy."

Bringing herself out of her problems, Ivy had answered in a shaky breath. "... I know. I trust you, Blake."

• • • • • •

Time passed and it was another day in after school service. The end of the hour was nearing as Ivy finished up her last vandalised wall for the day. Like any person would, she was out it of today. Her mind was elsewhere and her motives were no longer direct.

"What's on your mind?" Blake asked, hands snaking around the teenager's waist, causing her to drop the rag and bottle in her hands. 

"Nothing, really." Ivy lied and she turned around to face her lover.

Blake knew better not to push Ivy in telling the truth, her patience was needed at moments like these. Instead, she wanted to take this conversation in another direction. "Aren't you going to ask me what's on my mind?"

Lightly smiling, Ivy began to answer. "How to grope your student?"

Nuzzling her face in Ivy's neck, Blake had replied as she kissed the sensitive skin below her pulse point. "Nice try, but no."

Slightly distracted, Ivy huffed an answer in defeat. "You can't get enough of me can you?"

"Not when we're alone in a room, no."

Finally, during the day, Ivy had smiled genuinely, and of course, it was because of Blake. The teenager grew to acknowledge that she'd become carefree whenever she'd be around her, however, she never knew the downsides of it - or even if there was a downside in being with Blake.

Footsteps nearing, and distant voices, Blake and Ivy separated to see the principal walk into the room with an amused look on her face. "You've done a good job considering your initial mess."

Subconsciously, Ivy had stopped herself from rolling her eyes at the old woman and her antics. "Well, I've got Ms Valentine here to keep me in check." She replied, a smug look on her face as she locked eyes with her lover.

"Your sister is here to pick you up anyways." The principal answered boredly.

Confused, Ivy looked to the nearing figure at the doorway, to not only see Julia's widened eyes, but Blake's hesitant look.


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