Even If It Costs Me My Life

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[This chapter well be short because it's mostly about gowther and diane even king but hope you'll enjoy art credit- rinngo6363]

Hawk and meliodas were walking through a narrow corridor, they still had no idea where they were. A loud noise came from outside, having Hawk and meliodas to halt.

"It sounds like something started up outside. We must be down in the underground pigpen meliodas. Let's head out."

"Pigpen?" Meliodas questioned with rise eyebrow.

"I mean dungeon!" Hawk clarified.

"Oh." He nodded then he realize something 'maybe father and Margaret is here!'

Hawk and meliodas walked through the dungeon, reaching a darker area.

"Father! Margaret! Where are you?" Meliodas called out for his father and Margaret but got no response.


"Hey, if you keep shouting out loud like that the guards are going to come!" Hawk warned. Meliodas stopped yelling and stood near a dungeon door.

"Meliodas, is that you?" Meliodas gasp and turned to face the door.

"That sounds like Margaret's voice." Meliodas walked closer to the door hoping that it was truly Margaret who called out for him. "Big sister! Is that you Margaret? Tell me, have you been alright?" Tears started to build up in his eyes, both from happiness and sadness to see his sister locked in a dungeon. He looked through the small slit in the door at his sister.

"I'm fine. What about you? Both father and I, have been so worried about you for so long now."

"I worried you? I'm fine But, I'm sorry, It's all my fault. Because of me, Veronica is..." Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered holding Veronica's limp body after the explosion in Vaizel.

"Meliodas, you shouldn't blame yourself so much. Please. That's something she would never wish for. Because I know how deeply she cared about you. Also, it's strange but-"

He cut Margaret off, "I'm sorry Margaret we can talk later. Let's get out of here first."

"Sisters conferring over a prison break? You look so innocent. How did you manage to leave your cell?" The mage appeared behind meliodas causing him to turn and face her.

"Release my sister this instant!" Meliodas said angrily clenching his fist as he glared at the mage in front of him.

"You're under the wrong impression. I'll have you know Princess Margaret entered that cell of her own volition."

Meliodas frown of the mage is words, "Do you really think I'd believe such a lie?" He spoke with clear aggression.

"It's perfectly fine if you don't." The mage started steeping closer to meliodas having him to backed away nearing closer to Margaret's cell door. "Now, then Prince meliodas, allow me to take you somewhere safer-" The mage was cut of by an attack that made her slam into the wall behind her. "Who dares?"

"Ultra Knockout Blow - Forget Meal! By completely masking my presence, I can attack my enemy's blind spot using this forbidden technique!" Hawk positioned himself in front of meliodas while flapping his ears, shooting air out of his snout and pounding his "trotters" into the ground angrily.

"Anyway you've been totally ignoring me this entire time lady! So I'm going to take you on first!" Hawk huffed.

"Thank you Hawk!" Meliodas praised, glad that he was trying to protect him.

"A talking... pig? A pig?!" A bright light came from the ground Hawk was standing on. "Begone!"

The force of the blast made meliodas hit the wall with so much force having his sight to get blurry. "Y/n please come..." was the last thing he was able to mutter out before he blacked out.

Thats when y/n sense something happen to meliodas having her to frown and narrows her eyes "please be okay meliodas!" She said hoping that her lover is alright.

"How irritating. There's nothing in this world I despise more than pigs. Where did it wander in from?" Vivian spat.

"Meliodas?" Margaret called out for her little brother who was sprawled out on the cold dungeon floor.

Vivian picked up meliodas with a grunt, "he merely fainted. Oh, that's right." Vivian twisted her finger unlocking the cell Margaret was in and opening it. "As your sweet little brother requested, I've opened the door. Now go wherever your heart desires! That is, if you're prepared to abandon him." She then disappeared out of Margaret sight to other location with meliodas.

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Y/n and Ban kept on running but then they halted seeing multiple vines slamming against the ground brutally

"Captain.." Ban called out to y/n not removing his eyes of the sight he is seeing.

"I know just when diane and gowther magical power were starting to fade" she narrowed her eyes "I could sense kings power rising to unbelievable magic"

Y/n had small smile on her face 'King, diane and gowther I thanked you for helping me get meliodas back and king I know you'll be able to protect diane no matter what just and I know you'll never give up'

She turn her head to the castle with serious face on her 'meliodas hang in there I'm coming to get you I promise' she clenched meli sword in her hand

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