The Hateful Cannot Rest

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Y/n launched towards zeldris, letting out a battle yell before swinging her sword, slicing him half causing a loud explosion and sending many debris all over the area causing other debris to be sent towards outside of the coland.

"This doesn't look good. We all need to do something." King said with concern of seeing the debris send everywhere and worried it will enter camelot.

"Not a problem." She told her comrade as the debris hit against an invisible wall, having the debris disappear when it was touched against it.

This had King and Ban gasped. Their eyes widened a bit of seeing this. "That is the dimensional distorted wall, an invisible barricade that blocks unknown objects from ever entering camelot." She explained.

Over at the bridge, y/n looked at the body of her brother in half, her eyes narrowed as a high ranking symbol is on her forehead, her eyes pitch darkness then the smoke cleared away, showing a skeleton with zeldris outfit on it.

She scoffed, seeing that she was right that it was fake, "thought so. It wasn't real."

"To strike at him, knowing that it was a trap. My, my, you must really be furious at your little brother for the first time, aren't you, lady y/n?" Melascula voice is heard echoing, causing her to look around, and then she saw darkness started to surround her.

"Melascula." She growls lowly as she frowns "cocoon of darkness."

"What?" That's when the darkness surrounded her all over, trapping her, and this had ban to get down from Hawk's mom back.

"Damn it! That's melascula spell, captain!" He runs over to save y/n with his comrades behind him, but it was too late as the ball of darkness floated away from the sins and to somewhere in coland.

"Damn, she's got her!" Ban exclaimed in anger, clenching his fist as his face was filled with fury.


Y/n's fist gets covered in dark purple flames as she throws the flames to the wall of darkness. "hellblaze!" The demonic fire didn't do any effect on the cocoon of darkness, which had her scoffed in annoyance of seeing that.

Melascula is chuckled was heard echoing around in the cocoon having her frown, looking around the source of melascula anywhere in the room of darkness. "Your hellblaze is a dark power, remember? It'll have zero effect in here. Still, what a delicious surpise."

A large illusion of melascula appeared behind y/n, her cheeks had large slits with her long snake like tongue sticking out with her chin resting on the palm of her hand.

"Being brought back to life and losing your emotions every time you die is one hell of a curse to be given. What a tragedy!" The female demon giggles wickedly,"and the look on your face right, it's priceless."

The (h/c) haired woman scoffed, turning around and swinging her lostvayne at the illusion figure of melascula, causing it to vanish away.

"Takes me back to the days when you led the ten commandments. Listen, since it's just you and me here, let's do something to pass the time. Oh, I know. How about a riddle?"

Y/n's aura started to become darkly (f/c) and is filled with annoyance and rage. She clenched the handle of her sword tightly.

"The destructive force spilling out from your entire body. All of that negative energy is being absorbed by the cocoon of darkness, and it's about to be converted into something. So, what do you think that something could be? If you manage to guess right, I'll reward you by releasing you three days after meliodas regains every one of his memories."

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