Revival Of The Demon Clan

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A running prince was heading towards a location, he knew to go. he ran as fast as possible. he smiled when she saw the familiar sight of a tavern.

"Lady y/n!" he stopped running and said happily also with a blush on his cheeks.

All of a sudden the bright blue sky became a dark black. His smile faltered as he examined his surroundings. he looked back at the castle and Liones, but was met with streams of smoke coming from the city.

"What is this?" he mumbled.
he heard a loud yell from behind him, he whipped his head around quickly. he saw the outline of blows coming and being sent in the sky, then he saw a familiar face. Y/n was fighting a dark figure that had a battle axe.

Y/n's demon mark formed and a claw in her left hand. Then fire was sent at her, and another black figure with long hair came at her with punches. A hard punch from yet another dark figure sent y/n into the ground, dust encasing the princess. he covered his face quickly and turned back to her.

"Lady y/n!" Meliodas said worried and was gonna run to her to save her not caring if he got himself hurt.

But suddenly, his hands felt heavier, he looked down and saw black like roots had grown from the ground, tying his left hand down to the ground. he tired to free himself but when he saw it would not budge he looked back at y/n. There were 10 looming black figures with red eyes towering over her. She was beaten and tired, panting heavily to catch her breath.

"Lady y/n! No!" Meliodas shouted in worried and fear.

One of the figures that was outlined, who looked about Meliodas' height, walked to y/n before opening his eyes.

They were red and devoid of emotion. The figure looked right at
Y/n before smirking at her.

Meliodas sees the figure went to y/n and had his hand on her cheek and he could see the person had his other hand on his sword as he shouted "don't you dare touch her! Don't you hurt her!"

But the person ignore meliodas as he gasped of seeing the person lift his sword and swing it to y/n.


His mind then flashed back to when he had helped defeat Hendrickson by using his mysterious magical powers, and everything that come afterward.

Y/n had offered him to come with her on her new journey.

Meliodas jolted up from his large bed to see himself looking at the ceiling then began to sit up and spoke "a dream?" He looked over at the window.

Meliodas opened his window with a smile on his face, After gazing out of the window for a while, he changed into his outfit and left his room to talk to his father after he asked him to.

"Good morning, Father! How are you?" Meliodas curtsied in front of his father who sat in his throne.

"I something wrong, meliodas? You look a bit pale this morning."

"No. I just had a strange dream. Guess it made my sleep a little restless."

"A dream?"

"So it was you setting off on a journey with the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"It was just a dream, nothing more. The capital is peaceful once again, after all."

Bartra's eyes narrowed. 'It couldn't be...' he thought.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted to see me about?"

"Ah, yes. The kingdom is well on its road to recovery, people are adjusting to their normal lives."


"It does without saying, if the Seven Deadly Sins hadn't been there to intervene, thwarting the Demon Races' return this new found peace would have never come to pass."

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