Memories Of The Holy War

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Diane and King had come upon gloxinia and drole. They began to fight them only for them to lose and be taken down.

The two sins were prepared to be killed by them, but only for them to be shocked that gloxinia had healed them, they explained to the two sins that they would be put into a test.

Gloxinia chanted a spell that had diane and King be sent back to trial of 3000 years ago.

Where king is in gloxinia body and diane in drole's body as well, they were confused about why they were in their bodies.

All of sudden, they felt a powerful aura coming towards them that is the same amount of power as the ten commandments as they started to get ready to fight whoever is coming.

The dark presence of darkness landed on top of a large Boulder, causing clouds dust to surround the person, and then it started to be wiped away, revealing y/n who had a grin on her lips.

"Y/n!?" King and drole exclaimed in shock of seeing the familiar (h/c) haired woman.

She had a large sword over her shoulder as she is wearing a (f/c) long pants with ankle boots and had a (f/c) crop top with long sleeves and has a keyhole on her upper top, showing her upper breasts, "yo! You got here quick." She smiled cheerfully.

"That's impossible! You... you died a month ago." Diane exclaimed shockingly, her eyes widened."How are you alive and standing here?" She asked.

Y/n raised eyebrow, her face filled with confusion as she scratched her chin gently. "I don't remember dying. Man, your jokes are as lame as ever, drole." She looked over at the fairy king,"tell him to try a little harder, gloxinia."

Diane and King looked at each other, confusion on their features. "Huh? Oh... no, you've got it all wrong. Look, this might sound weird, but I'm king, and this is diane!" He pointed at the giant.

"There's a good reason we look like this. Please, you gotta believe us." Diane pleaded, looking at the (h/c) haired woman who looked towards them.

"What do you mean, "like this"? You look the same to me."

"Huh?" They said in a questioning tone, looking at each other."Who are king and diane, anyway? I never heard of them." She asked them.

"Oh... uh..." King stuttered "now seriously, are you guys okay?" Y/n asked in a concerning tone, then someone came flying over, having the woman to look over with a loving smile on her lips."Hey, there you are, my darling."

Diane and King looked over, their eyes widened in shocked of seeing the person. They never expected to be here. "Huh? How did you end up out here?" She asked.

There stood meliodas with a sweet smile, his emerald eyes gazing at the giant and fairy as his iris has a swirl in them, four fluffy white wings behind him as he is wearing green pants with a green crop top that had buttons and had chain on the side of his hip, a green loop cloth around his arm, wearing white shoes "what are you talking about? The four of us were supposed to meet up here, remember?" He told them.

Meliodas looked over to his demon, having his eyes lit up as he flied towards y/n, landing in front of her. "y/n, my love." He placed his hand on her cheek, stroking it, making the (h/c) haired woman to lean against it "hello my dear, I've missed you."

The goddess smiled. "I've missed you too." He gave her a deep, passionate kiss that she returned immediately as he had his hands on her cheeks, stroking it as their eyes were closed.

"But meliodas, why do you look like that?" King asked, causing meliodas to pull away from the kiss and gazed over at the confused fairy and stood beside y/n, holding her hand, having their fingers intertwine.

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