The Fearsome Pursuer

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"King! Come back!" Y/n called out as They all tried yelling out for the two Sins who had left but it was no use, they didn't get an response. However, they continued to walk around.

"Man where'd those two run off to now?!" Diane complained as meliodas walked behind y/n with his hands on her shoulders as meliodas felt safe being close near her

But suddenly y/n halted her movements and meliodas quickly stopped walking to not bump into her.

"Is everything okay?" Meliodas asked y/n when she stopped walking.

"I don't think we're alone here." She replied simply as her reply only made meliodas grip on her shoulders slightly tighten in fear.

Msliodas looked around studying the Necropolis to see if theirs anyone beside them.

"Um... I don't see anyone around here but us." Meliodas answered back to y/n

"Yeah no ghosts have appeared and tried to scare us or anything." Hawk said as he also began to look around.

"Actually I'd be terrified if one had." Meliodas said as he began to suddenly felt very nervous and scared, even hawk seem to looked disturbed too.

"There's obviously no point in hangin' around here, why don't we go look for those two now. what do you say?!" Hawk's voice rose in pitch in fear

"Sounds good to me!" Meliodas agreed quickly even his voice also raising a few octaves y/n started walking forward again with no hesitation while meliodas tried to keep his hands on her shoulders from shaking.

They continued walking for a while and there was still no sign of Ban or King. "There's no sign of em'."

"Maybe they both got bored and just went back to the real world."
Hawk said but they stopped walking when they noticed a woman in the middle of their path with her hand stuck in her chest.

"Who's that?"

"Hello y/n the Dragon Sin. How do ya do Diane the Serpent Sin? My name is Guila, a Holy Knight."

"Wait how did you get here?"hawk questioned "Simple, by dying."she answered

"Uh, did she just say she got here by dying?"hawk question confused "She sure did."y/n answer to hawk

"Then that probably means this lady is bad news isn't she?"

"I'm afraid so. Really bad news." Y/n grew serious after her statement, her eyebrows furrowed. Guila pulled out her rapier and pointed it upwards sending a powerful gust of wind towards them. Y/n and Diane looked unfazed as they stood taking the gust of wind easily, while meliodas and hawk was taken aback by the move and almost went tumbling backwards. But, two arms held meliodas by the waist making sure he wouldn't be blown away. Hawk however wasn't lucky and got blown back by the move.

"Hawk, take meliodas and get as far away from here as possible." Y/n instructed Hawk who walked to meliodas to where he is standing

"Will do! Hey meliodas, piggyback."

"Alright." Meliodas climbed onto Hawk, laying his chest onto hawks back and wrapping his arms around his pig body as Hawk jumped off the crystal platform they were on and started to trot away quickly.

"Try to stay safe you two!" Meliodas called behind him as he looked over his shoulder to see the Sins. Hawk kept jumping from pillar to pillar saying "piggy trot" the entire time.

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