Let There Be Light

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Y/n continued to sliced the demon's in half and continued attacking them until she sensed a large amount of magic that is the same of the ten commandments.

She looked over to see King, and diane gonna run away from calmadios, which had her shout out. "No good!" This had the two kings to look over at her."You'll just be cursed by his commandment! Don't run, no matter what!" She dodged a red beam that was sent to her.

Y/n scoffed and headed towards the grey demon, slicing its head in half as she narrowed her eyes and continued to fight.


The female demon looked over to see calmadios send his attack, evil breath causing her to go over there quickly and stood in front of her comrades. "Don't take this personally, calmadios!"

"Lady y/n!"

"Now, full counter!" She swung her large sword, sending the evil breath back to him."Why?" Calmadios asked as the attack slammed against him, causing an explosion having the demon to yell out in pain."Curse you, y/n. How dare you return so soon! No!" The smoke disappeared, having to not see calmadios anywhere.

She put her weapon over her shoulder. "Did that finally do it?" The giant asked."Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure we got rid of him that time." She responded to her comrade."Oh, come on! How are you both being so calm right now? We've got demons behind us." King said, looking over only to be confused to see no demons around."Uh... huh?"

"Where did they go?" King asked as meliodas came floating down, his back facing them."Oh. I just had them leave."

"What? And how did you manage to pull that off?" The brunette giant asked."Yeah, cause those things were on a rampage. What did you do?"

Meliodas looked over with a gentle smile on his lips. "All I did was talk to them for a little bit. Nobody wants to be in a constant state of conflict, after all."

"Meliodas..." y/n said softly, smiling proudly for her lover as the goddess male gave her a soft smile with love in his emerald eyes.

"Hey! You really helped us out there." A male voice is heard causing the group to look over to see a blonde man with scarlet eyes and other people behind him."Thanks to you guys, we're still alive and kicking."

"Ban!" King called out having the blonde man to gaze over at the fairy king "huh?" The fairy came floating down in front of him."What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Ban? Who's that?" He questioned, having King flinch realizing his mistake."Oh, sorry. You just, uh... you kinda look like somebody I know."

"Really? Huh. So, you guys are stigma warriors, right?" The blonde asked them, gazing over at them "stigma what?"

"You know, that three race alliance between the giants and fairies who are led by the goddesses." He explained to the giant as y/n walked over to him."All of us came out here from the fairy king's forest. We heard this place was under attack by the demon race and wanted to help out." She told him with a smile."Hey, do you think you could let us come on board too?"

Y/n smirked. "I don't see why not. Welcome aboard."

"You can call me rou." He introduced himself."I'm y/n." She fist bumps the blonde man who did it back to her with a smile as meliodas healed the injured people with his ability.

"Woah. It's healed up!" The man said, impressed as meliodas back away."Thanks so much." He thanked the goddess."It's dangerous out here. I think it's best if we hurry back to our base now."


Y/n and the others head back to fairy king forest as they had arrived and walked into the large forest, heading to the base as y/n is holding meliodas hand, their fingers intertwined as they smile at each other with warmth in their eyes.

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