A Touching Reunion

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"Outta bed you lazy butts! Come and get your breakfast!"hawk yelled out to have the others to wake up for breakfast

Meliodas opened his green emerald eyes to see y/n staring right at him with her e/c eyes along with a happy smile on her face

"Well good morning meliodas! Ya feelin' better today?"she asked softly

"Oh yes, thank you for asking. I feel great and good morning to you too. Lemme help you outta that."meliodas respond to her with soft smile on his face as he remove the cover off her to show y/n who is tied up tightly with rope around her stomach, pulling her hands to her back.

"One thing, try to be gentle."y/n told him keeping smile on her face while looking at meliodas

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Meliodas, y/n and hawk where all eating breakfast in the tavern downstairs thats when meliodas spoke up "Umm...hawk?"

"Mhm?" hawk hummed lifting his head from chewing his food

"The next time you tie lady y/n maybe it could be just a little bit looser? If she feels uncomfortable then sleeps not easy for her."meliodas said worried for y/n not gonna be able to sleep if she is tied up tightly

"It defeats the whole purpose if she's able to move! Lying there in the same bed with you, she's gonna have more hands then a teenage octopus! Precautions must be taken!" Hawk said reasoning meliodas

"But I..."meliodas trailed off

"If you just look at it as a part of fore play then it's not bad at all." Y/n said while chewing on her food

"What did you say?" Meliodas asked, not understanding what she meant by her previous statement.

"Who knows maybe tonight you can tie me up instead of hawk."y/n grinned looking at meliodas who begans to blush of the thought of it

"You sleaze bag," Hawk said to y/n with tick mark on his head as Diane peeks from the window.

"Hey did I hear someone gonna tie-up Hawk!" Diane asks excitedly as hawk freak out "no one is going to tie me up!"

"I could sure use a drink Captain." Ban asked y/n with tired tone in his voice even looked exhausted "It's a little early don't you think?" Diane said to ban who only ignore her

"Would you like to have some breakfast with us, Sir Ban?" Meliodas said politely with a smile

"You don't expect me to eat the Captain's awfully cooking do you?" Ban told meliodas not looking back at him as he have his eyes closed as his hand rise up only to catched the bottle of ale that y/n threw at him.

"If you don't like it then make it yourself!" Y/n said with her usual happy smile.

"Don't mind if I do!" Ban grinned as he pulled out the cork only for the ale exploded on his face.

"Alright guys time to head to the Necropolis. We'll start looking for King there." Y/n pointed to the Necropolis' location on a map.

"Hold on, didn't you say fatty was six feet under these days?"Ban asked in a neutral tone as he sat on the chair laid back his hands behind his head

"It's the only lead we got so I think we might as well check it out." Y/n answered with a smile on her face.

"The city of the dead sounds a little scary, what type of place is it?" Meliodas said with a nervous tone

"I have no idea. Honestly the only thing I know about it is that it exists." y/n told him as she looked at him

"Look guys if you ask me it's probably haunted with a spooky name like that. Bet it's gloomy all the time with rows and rows of creepy graves everywhere!" hawk said with nervous sweat of the thought of the necropolis

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