We Meet Again Lil Brother

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Y/n dodged and summersaulted the attacks King were sending towards her. "I want you to answer me!"

"It depends of your definition of an "ally". If you ever turn on meliodas or my teammates then I'm your enemy. That's all that really matters, isn't it?"

"Stop dodging the question! I want to know what your goal is!" King moved his clubs faster, attempting to gab her.

Y/n was getting the worst of the attacks while she had to dodge and defend. Y/n was able to grab King's club, but not before it slightly grazed her shoulder, making her hiss in pain, "What'll you do now? I took your weapon out if commission."

King lowered himself down and he had his hands out forward, "Staus Promotion!"

Y/n's cut grew and blood spewed out of the wound. She grimaced and gritted her teeth as she closed her one eye, glaring towards at king.

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

Meliodas concentrated his power to his finger tips while he held the goblet in his hands. A green light came off of the goblet. Meliodas felt the warmth of his magical power flowing out of him into the goblet as he had his eyes closed, focusing on the goblet and trying to bloom the seed.

Zaneri looked at the boy and walked out of the tower. She sighed, she knew the seed wouldn't bloom because she hadn't put the seed inside the goblet. Zaneri knew that meliodas could easily make it bloom if it had actually been in the goblet. The truth was Zaneri was beside herself with jealousy. Meliodas had y/n, who's a beautiful and powerful even a kind women. Zaneri envied him greatly of having y/n with him, yet deep inside of her she knew y/n would never want her. Her connection with meliodas ran deep, deeper than anyone else. They always will love each other no matter what, after all She has eyes for him and only him. "Y/n..."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

Y/n was crouching down, holding her wounded shoulder. "Come on, answer me, tell me what you really want." King glare at his captain, who had a scowled on her face as she kept her gaze down to the ground.

"To bravely protect the peace of the kingdom as the captain of our order? No way. That's not it. Maybe it's to spend your life as a drunk, living out your days as the owner of a tavern?" King smiled and shook his head, "That's not it either."

"Unless..." he began to think of how y/n acts towards meliodas, how protecive and affection she is towards him, "you want to protect the prince and-"

"Shut up, don't even bring him into this." Y/n said coldly and dark cutting off king as he flinch of how cold she quickly become when he tried to bring the prince into this.

Y/n started to straighten her posture as she narrows her eyes as she let out a groan of pain.

"You've got dark magical power, and though the years go by you never age. On top of that you seem very acquainted with those Demon monsters, who were gone for 3,000 years."

Y/n was finally able to stand properly as she will heal her wound later, so meliodas doesn't freak out and get very worried when he sees the injury on her shoulder by King.

"Fess up, you're actually one of the Ten Commandments, aren't you? Y/n of the Demon race. Keeping quiet isn't an option. Nor is it suiting for the Captain of the sins. Let's try this again."

"Status promtion!" He send a strong gust of wind towards y/n.

Y/n scoffed lightly then she swing her club, "Full Counter!" A strong gust of wind was sent back at King, making him skid a bit backwards.

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