The Ten Commandments Vs. The Archangels

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Meliodas laid on the ground, unconscious as he had wounds and bruises on his body from landing on the ground harshly from derieri punch.

"Honestly, how dare you behave so rudely toward sir meliodas?" The voice said before using the ability to put a barrier around meliodas, healing his wounds.

"They're going to yell at us for this."

"Your execution is now set in stone. Then again, you are young to be killed anyway."

This has Fraudrin growl as derieri clenched her fists, glaring at the two glowing bright orbs. "So, how many are there?" She asked.

"Two od the four archangels." Galand let out a wicked laugh."This should be rather amusing!"

The bright light disappeared, showing the two archangels, sariel and tarmiel that had three heads, their hair ginger, green and light purplish, their eye color the same thing.

"And by the way, out wager about them falling for our trap, I'd say the ten commandments prove to be right."

Sariel had very light blue hair with golden eyes. He let out playful tsk. "Not quite. I'd say that's null and void. I believe the bet was whether or not all of the ten commandments would show up here."

"How pathetic. The jokes of the goddess race, they're all so lame, you laugh out of pity."


Y/n halted having diane and king who is still in glxoinia and drole's body to halt as well. They saw six enormous ark, trapping the army of demons and the ten commandments.

She gasped, her eyes widened in horror of seeing all of the army of her people being wiped away into dust by the ark expect the ten commandments and Fraudrin who managed to take the attack.

When the bright light went away, she began to started running as she cursed under her breath, her body filled with anger of ludociel and the other archangels doing this to her people and trying to get rid of them.

She could sense the ten commandments fighting with the archangels, but she could tell that her past comrades are having a hard time defending them.

The (h/c) haired woman could feel gowther over at the base with melascula making her confused of why he is over there but she continued to run with gloxinia and drole with worry for her lover.

'I can sense it from out here. What an epic clash of power.' King thought to his mind before gazing at y/n with a frown on his lips 'y/n.' He remembered the conversation that he had with her before heading over to the battle.

His eyes widened as he gasped when he realized that, she was trying to prove to him that she isn't gonna betray him and that she wanted to stop this bloody battle that is happening now and didn't want this fight to happen, she was gonna convince her past comrades to turn back even if she is a traitor to them.

She still wanted to try. King started to feel guilty about how he treated y/n and what he said to her back in istar.


Y/n started to feel ludociel coming over towards the battle, making her scoff, her eyes narrowed as she continued sprinting forward.

But she gasped when her eyes widened in horror, her face filled with worried and fear of sensing the enormous power of Indura, she realized that two of the ten commandments must've sacrificed their six hearts to indura in order to get into their indura form, she thought that they did that to defeat ludociel since it's difficult to take down the ludociel.

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