Part 65 - Fault ?

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Part 65


As I walk away half happy half annoyed from the corridor after surprising my wife, my plan to surprise my pumpkin has been actually successful. I mean like man.. That woman.. My woman recognized me, my presence even without seeing me clearly. I know it for a fact that I love that woman with all my heart.. Which I first thought was non-existence. But of course when Maya and Bunny, my baby entered my life, and ever since the 360 degree turn that my life .. That I took has definitely changed me for the best. No plans to get married.. No plans for babies.. And absolutely no plans nor time for love which by the way I thought was bullshit and a waste of time. But yet here I am.. A proud husband, a happy dad who in hopelessly in love with his gorgeous wife and handsome son.

Just few steps away from the corridor and I remember that I kind of forgot the real reason why I decided to come here to see Maya in the first place itself. Well at least I'll have a good reason when Maya will ask me why I took this U-Turn back to her. As I turn back and start walking back, I see Luke doing something on his phone, placing it and then rush towards Maya.


Each time I see this man, I have this sudden urge to punch him right in the face. It always feels like this man is trouble. Like dude, the woman's married..!! Can't you see that million dollar smile on her face whenever she's near her husband.? Just give up already..!!

I'm still thinking all this and by this time Luke's already near Maya talking to her as his hands are on her wheelchair. Maya's chair moves suddenly making her fall as I almost run to her worried about her state but thankfully Luke catches her. In not even an eye blink, Luke that bastard is trying to kiss my wife.

" What the f*cking hell..!! "
I hear my own harsh and cold voice roar loud in the corridor echoing for a few seconds as I glare at the assh*le holding my beloved wife in such a close and intimate way.

Before I knew I already near them as I ran and punched Luke hard on the face making him fall back holding his face in his hand. Next I know is helping Maya back on her chair as she trembles saying;
" I didnt do anything..
I fell on him I didnt know he was going to.. "

Maya was still talking but before I could say anything to comfort her knowing that this wasnt her fault, Luke opened his mouth saying;
" Stop it Maya...
How long are you going to pretend like that..??
You know that I love you.. In fact everyone here knows that I love you..
I know that you're scared of your husband's anger but that is not a reason to keep lying.
Today he himself saw us, let's just accept things how they are and do it the right way.

Just admit it sweetheart that you dont want to be with him but wanna be with me..!! "

Luke opens his filthy mouth once up on his feet trying to make it sound like Maya is also on this.

Okay, I know I'm not the perfect husband. I know that I have a terrible temper.

But after having my dumb ass misunderstand my woman many times, the thing that I have finally learnt is that I do not get to believe any hearsay of others when it concerns Maya. If I have a doubt, I got to talk about it to Maya and no one else. Frankly speaking from where I was standing, anyone not knowing what I know will definitely think that both of them are kissing mutually as you can't really see the faces or facial expressions of any of them.

However right now I dont even need Maya to tell me that this assh*le is lying on right my face but his poor choice of words are definitely getting harder on my nerves making me even more angry than ever.

" Dont you dare call her like that..!!
She's my wife.. And trust me when she wants something she will not hesitate to tell me that regardless of how annoyed I can get..!! "
I state as I punch his bleeding nose again.

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